The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Punk's Funeral" (Pohoronyi Panka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

They carried the heavy coffin to the grave,

They buried a tough guy today.

They laughed and they joked

At his stupid, lifeless face.


Hey!!! Hey!!!

The whole family’s here,

Brothers and friends are near.

They saw the guy off on his final ride,

They cried and they laughed,

Doused him with vodka, and cried,

Kissed his cold face goodbye.

The culprit of this whole parade,

He wasn't a fool - he left the right way.

And his woman is glad,

That he hadn't put a bullet in her head.


And he loved his dog,

His woman, vodka, and a good brawl.

He hated tears,

If he saw them here,

He would be pissed off,

Reach for his gun in a scoff,

And he himself would cry,

Shooting at the tears flying by.

Тяжелый гроб несли к могиле

Крутого парня хоронили,

Смеялись и шутили

Над тупым его лицом.


Хэй!!! Хэй!!!

Вся семья,

Братья и друзья.

Парня провожали,

Плакали и ржали,

Водкой поливали,

В рожу целовали.

Виновник этого парада,

Он не дурак - ушел как надо.

И баба его рада,

Что он ее не застрелил.


А он любил собаку,

Бабу, водку, драку.

Слезы ненавидел,

Если б их увидел,

Он бы разозлился,

За наган схватился

И разревелся он бы сам

Стреляя по слезам.

The song "Punk's Funeral" by the band "Korol i Shut" is a satirical depiction of a young man's funeral, a man who led a wild and reckless life. The irony lies in the fact that the grief of those around him seems feigned and out of place.

The lyrics mock the hypocrisy and absurdity of the situation:

"A heavy coffin was carried to the grave, They buried a cool guy, They laughed and joked About his stupid face." The disrespectful attitude towards the deceased is evident from the start. Those around him are not so much grieving as they are glad to be rid of him.

"Hey!!! Hey!!! The whole family, Brothers and friends. They saw the guy off, They cried and laughed, They poured vodka on him, They kissed his face." The atmosphere of the funeral resembles a drunken party more than a farewell to a loved one.

"The culprit of this parade, He's no fool - he left the way he should." The hero's death is presented as a logical conclusion to his lifestyle, which he himself may have desired.

"And he loved his dog, His girl, vodka, fights. He hated tears, If he saw them, He would get angry, He would grab his gun And he would burst into tears himself Shooting at the tears." The portrait of the "punk" is complemented by a love for the simple joys of life and a rejection of sentimentality.

The song does not so much mourn death as it criticizes the lifestyle that leads to it. It is harsh, cynical, even cruel, but it makes you think about the cost of a thoughtless existence.

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