The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Walk" (Progulka) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I walk along Nevsky - bored, the bastard I am.

Out of boredom, I'll climb into a phone booth.

I'll scatter my change, kicking it with my fist,

And on the floor, it's spat-upon, like in some dive bar.

Bored is this animal in the everyday mire!

Bored is this animal in the everyday mire!

On a bench in the square, I picked up a newspaper,

Read some articles, and went to the toilet.

Conclusion: life in the West is shit for people,

But the mafia there's nothing compared to Uzbekistan!

If only I could use these coins to buy candy for the kids!

If only I could use these coins to buy candy for the kids!

I walk along Nevsky, find ten-kopeck coins,

I don't pick them up, just kick them with my foot.

If I'm lucky, I'll drink some beer, then puke,

Spending my day off just killing time.

Tomorrow, for real - a tough week ahead!

Tomorrow, for real - a tough week ahead!

Я по Невскому хожу - скучно мне ублюдку.

Я от скуки заберусь в телефона будку.

Стану мелочью сорить, кулаком пиная,

А на полу нахаркано, будто здесь пивная.

Скучно мне скотине в повседневной тине!

Скучно мне скотине в повседневной тине!

В сквере на скамейке подобрал газету,

Прочитал статейки и сходил к клозету.

Вывод: вот на Западе люду жить погано,

Но куда там мафии до Узбекистана?

На эти бы монетки детям по конфетке!

На эти бы монетки детям по конфетке!

Я по Невскому хожу, гривенники нахожу,

Я их не собираю, а ногой шпынаю.

Повезёт - пивка попью, а потом рыгаю,

Выходной я провожу - время убиваю.

Завтра в самом деле - трудная неделя!

Завтра в самом деле - трудная неделя!

The lyrics of the song "Walk" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) offer a satirical look at boredom and apathy. The lyrical hero, calling himself a "bastard" and a "beast", expresses an extreme degree of boredom and satiation with life. His actions - petty hooliganism, aimless pastime - speak of his spiritual emptiness and lack of goals.

The hero finds solace only in primitive pleasures: he throws coins, reads a newspaper, drinks beer. Even his thoughts are superficial: comparing the West and Uzbekistan in terms of crime is devoid of depth. Repeating the phrase "I could buy candy for kids with these coins!" seems like a weak attempt to justify his behavior, but it sounds unconvincing.

The image of Nevsky Prospect, a symbol of the beauty and grandeur of St. Petersburg, enhances the contrast between outward splendor and the hero's inner emptiness. His life is a vicious circle where a "difficult week" is replaced by a meaningless weekend.

The song makes you think about how important it is to find meaning in life, not to let routine consume you. Although the text is filled with irony and black humor, it raises serious questions about values and life priorities.

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