The meaning of the lyrics of the song "About Ivan" (Pro Ivana) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In a village by the river, some men began to argue

About who among them was the wisest.

An old man was passing by: “The one who's smarter,” he said,

“Is the one whose mustache is the longest."

It's decided! From now on, it shall be so!

The wisest among us is Ivan the Fool.

Shorter is the tail of the fox,

Than Ivan's mustache!

Ivan sat on the stove, looking down at everyone.

He ate pies with cabbage.

And after that, he said: “Wisdom has always been with me,

I didn't want to boast about it!

And now I'll tell you, friends,

We can't live like we used to anymore!

Honestly, one could go wild with you.

It's time to start having fun!

Day after day, Ivan the Fool started all the fun:

“Let's live without worries!"

Everything would be fine, but here's the trouble - soon the food ran out,

Nobody wants to work!

Time passed, the people got hungry,

And Ivan was starving without a crumb.

And when they realized what was what -

They tore off his mustache!

В деревушке у реки как-то стали мужики

Спорить, кто из них мудрей.

Мимо старец проходил: "Тот умнее," - говорил,

"У кого усы длинней".

Решено! Отныне будет так!

Всех умней у нас Иван-дурак.

Меньше хвост у кумушки-лисы,

Чем у Ивана усы!

На печи Иван сидел, сверху он на всех глядел.

Пироги с капустой ел.

Ну а после говорил: "Ум всегда со мною был,

Я им хвастать не хотел!

А теперь скажу я вам, друзья,

Жить, как раньше, больше нам нельзя!

С вами, право, можно одичать.

Пора веселиться начать!

Что ни день, Дурак-Иван всё веселье затевал:

"Жить давайте без забот!"

Всё б ничего, да вот беда - вскоре кончилась еда,

Никто работать не идёт!

Время шло, народ оголодал,

И Иван без крошки пропадал.

А когда смекнули, что к чему -

Усы оторвали ему!

The song "Pro Ivana" by the band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester) is a satirical tale about how blindly following silly criteria and superficial traits can lead to disastrous consequences.

The song begins with a group of men trying to determine the wisest among them. They fall for an absurd statement made by an old man, claiming that wisdom is measured by the length of one's mustache. This immediately mocks their simple-mindedness and penchant for easy solutions. Ivan the Fool, possessing the longest mustache, unexpectedly becomes the "wisest," even though his "wisdom" is based solely on a ridiculous coincidence.

Having gained undeserved authority, Ivan, who is not particularly intelligent, encourages everyone to live a carefree life filled with fun and amusement. Here, the song ridicules frivolity and irresponsibility, showing that without work and common sense, merriment quickly fades.

When food supplies run out and no one is willing to work, hunger sets in. It is at this moment that people realize their mistake: by tearing off Ivan's mustache, they symbolically strip him of his false authority.

The song "Pro Ivana" is a mockery of stupidity, superficiality, and the unwillingness to think critically. It serves as a reminder that true wisdom is not measured by external attributes but rather by sensible actions and taking responsibility for one's choices.

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