The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Nightmare Seller" (Prodavec Koschmarov) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A man was lurking in the square,

Looking quite respectable.

He was afraid to enter the gateway -

A fear, quite logical.

The moon had disappeared,

Darkness consumed everything,

And the guy became

Even more scared than before!


I study passers-by,

Improvise, play,

And I don't need their approval!

I frighten them in the darkness

And gain experience.

I try to make everything theatrical.

Phosphorous paints -

I'll put on a show for you!

The sight of a sinister mask

Will bring terror to the main character.

As soon as you come

To me, say goodbye to the world!

You will not die,

But you don't know that!


I study passers-by,

Improvise, play,

And I don't need their approval!

I frighten them in the darkness

And gain experience.

I try to make everything theatrical.

Tell me, my friend: do you

Read the news every day,

Fearing events and people?

After all, anyone can be a villain!

You dull your mind,

And the world as a hostile environment

Appears before you once again.

And now you have met me,

I trade in nightmares

And demand money from you!

Once upon a time,

They didn't recognize me!

But anyway -

No, I didn't lose heart!

My gateway

Is like a theater to me...

В сквере ошивался

Человек - на вид приличный.

В подворотню он входить

Боялся - страх, вполне логичный.

Луна пропала,

Темнота всё поглотила,

И парню стало

Ещё страшней, чем раньше было!


Прохожих изучаю,

Импровизирую, играю,

И в их одобрении я не нуждаюсь!

Во мраке их пугаю

И опыт получаю.

Всё по-театральному сделать стараюсь.

Фосфорные краски -

Я спектакль вам устрою!

Вид зловещей маски

Явит ужас главному герою.

Едва зайдёте

Ко мне, прощайтесь с белым светом!

Вы не умрёте,

Но вы не знаете об этом!


Прохожих изучаю,

Импровизирую, играю,

И в их одобрении я не нуждаюсь!

Во мраке их пугаю

И опыт получаю.

Всё по-театральному сделать стараюсь.

Ответь, мой друг: ты каждый день

Читаешь сводку новостей,

Боясь событий и людей?

Ведь, каждый может быть злодей!

Ты притупляешь разум свой,

И мир враждебною средой

Вновь предстаёт перед тобой.

И вот ты встретился со мной,

Кошмарами торгую я

И деньги требую с тебя!

Когда-то давно

Не признали меня!

Но всё равно -

Нет, не пал духом я!

Подворотня моя

Как театр для меня...

The lyrics of the song "The Nightmare Seller" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tell the story of a mysterious character who scares passersby in dark alleys for his own amusement. He does not seek fame or recognition; his goal is to play on people's fears, to create spectacles of horror using phosphorescent paints and sinister masks.

The main character, like a predator, stalks his victims, studying their reactions, improvising on the go. He is not afraid of the dark, for it is his ally, hiding him from prying eyes and amplifying the fear of his victims. He is a master of psychological terror, playing on the deepest fears of people.

The second part of the song addresses the listener directly, asking how susceptible they are to the influence of negative news and information. After all, constant immersion in the world of violence and suffering distorts the perception of reality, making it hostile and dangerous. And it is at this moment, when a person is most vulnerable, that they meet the Nightmare Seller, ready to feed on their fears.

The image of the Nightmare Seller can be interpreted as a metaphor for our own fears and insecurities. He embodies the dark side of our soul that feeds on negative emotions. The song makes you think about how much we allow our fears to control our lives, and how important it is to be able to resist them.

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