The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Trickster Jester" (Prokaznik Skomoroh) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

At the wedding, a jester,

Was bouncy like a pea.

He ran around the tables,

Throwing pudding at the guests.

He was talking such nonsense,

That everyone was roaring with laughter,

Even the old dog laughed.


A merry feast in the village,

The tipsy people dance,

And treats are on the table -

The wedding is in full swing.

The jester exclaimed,

As soon as the laughter died down:

'Do you want me to show you a trick?'

He grabbed the bride

And put her in a barrel,

Asked everyone to turn away.


A woman's scream rang out,

And at the very same moment,

Over the long village street

The lanterns went out.

People turned on the light -

Look - there is no bride,

And they did not find the jester.


На свадьбе скоморох,

Был прытким как горох.

Он бегал по столам,

Кидался пудингом в гостей.

Такую чушь он нес,

Что ржали все до слез,

Смеялся даже старый пес.


Праздник веселый на селе,

Пляшет хмельной народ,

И угощенья на столе -

Свадьба вовсю идет.

Воскликнул скоморох,

Лишь только смех заглох:

"Хотите я вам фокус покажу?"

Невесту он схватил

И в бочку посадил,

Всех отвернуться попросил.


Раздался женский крик,

И в тот же самый миг,

Над длинной сельской улицей

Погасли фонари.

Включили люди свет -

Глядят - невесты нет,

И скомороха не нашли они.


The lyrics of the song "Prokaznik Skomorokh" (Trickster Skomorokh) by the band "Korol i Shut" tell a tragicomic story that unfolds at a village wedding. The story centers around a skomorokh, a traditional jester and entertainer, whose antics cross the line.

At the beginning of the song, the skomorokh appears as a harmless joker. He jokes, runs on tables, throws food - typical, albeit crude, amusements for such a character. His jokes are so funny that "everyone laughed to tears," even "the old dog" can't help but laugh. The atmosphere of general merriment is emphasized by the chorus, which describes the scale of the celebration: "treats on the table," "the drunken people are dancing" - everything speaks of carefree fun.

However, at the climax of the song, the skomorokh's behavior changes dramatically. Seizing the moment when the laughter subsides, he announces a trick and, grabbing the bride, puts her in a barrel. This act is no longer a harmless joke, but a manifestation of cruelty and disrespect. The skomorokh's motive remains unclear, which gives the song a touch of mysticism and ominous mystery.

The ending of the song is tragic: at the moment when the lights go out, the bride disappears along with the skomorokh. The sudden darkness, the scream, the futile searches - all this creates an atmosphere of growing horror. The question of what happened to the bride and where the skomorokh disappeared remains unanswered, forcing the listener to reflect on the dual nature of fun and what secrets may lie behind the mask of a jester.

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