The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I'll jump off a cliff." (Pryignu so skalyi) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The wind tore my cap off my head,

I wanted love, but it didn't work out that way,

I know I can't bring anything back to life

And now I have only one way...


Running up, I will jump off the cliff,

Here I was, and here I am gone,

And when you suddenly find out about it,

Then you will understand who you have lost.

I haven't been able to be like everyone else since childhood,

Apparently, this is my lot in life,

And she, what about her? She always lied to me

And she would never understand me.


Proudly throwing off my cloak, I will direct my gaze into the distance,

Maybe she is waiting? Hardly... This is nonsense,

And with a wild cry, I will throw myself down like a stone

This is the final whim of my life...


С головы сорвал ветер мой колпак,

Я хотел любви, но вышло все не так,

Знаю я ничего в жизни не вернуть

И теперь у меня один лишь только путь...


Разбежавшись, прыгну со скалы,

Вот я был, и вот меня не стало,

И когда об этом вдруг узнаешь ты,

Тогда поймешь, кого ты потеряла.

Быть таким, как все с детства не умел

Видимо такой в жизни мой удел,

А она, да что она? Вечно мне лгала

И меня никогда понять бы не смогла.


Гордо скинув плащ, вдаль направлю взор,

Может она ждет? Вряд ли... Это вздор,

И издав дикий крик, камнем брошусь вниз

Это моей жизни заключительный каприз...


The song "I'll Jump Off a Cliff" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of tragic love and despair, driving the lyrical hero to suicide.

The image of a broken person:

"The wind ripped my cap off my head": a metaphor for the loss of innocence, illusions, hopes.

"I wanted love, but it didn't work out that way": unrequited love, disappointment, collapse of hopes.

"I know I can't bring anything back in life": the realization of hopelessness, lack of faith in the future.

"And now I have only one way...": the decision to commit suicide.

The motive of loneliness and misunderstanding:

"I couldn't be like everyone else since childhood": alienation, a sense of one's own otherness.

"Apparently, this is my lot in life": fatalism, resignation to the fate of an outcast.

"And her, what about her? She always lied to me": mistrust, resentment, possibly betrayal.

"And she would never be able to understand me": a feeling of deep loneliness, the inability to share one's feelings.

Despair and the last cry of the soul:

"Having gained momentum, I will jump off a cliff...": determination, the desire to end suffering.

"Here I was, and now I am gone...": awareness of one's own mortality, the desire to leave a mark on the beloved's memory.

"And when you suddenly find out about this, then you will understand who you have lost": posthumous revenge, the desire to induce guilt.

"Proudly throwing off my cloak, I will direct my gaze into the distance...": the theatricality of the gesture, the desire to emphasize the significance of the moment.

"Maybe she's waiting? Unlikely... It's nonsense...": last doubts, final disappointment.

"And letting out a wild scream, I will throw myself down like a stone": uncontrollable emotions, despair, pain.

"This is the final whim of my life...": sarcasm, the desire to present suicide as an act of one's own will.

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