The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Showdown over Babes/Chicks" (Razborki iz-za Bab) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The stolen loot lasted a long time!

The tavern became the abode of our passions.

We wasted time to no avail,

The liquor supplies drowned the guests.

I sat with a bottle among the bewildered,

Bloated, barely recognizable faces,

Of drunken comrades, alas, unable

That night to share two wanton wenches!

Chaos and mayhem erupted!

Wine and rum were brought in,

KLAUS fired the first shot

Shooting NEMO in the side.


Then everyone

Went berserk,

Forgetting that


The girls

Hid under the tables,

Watching as our


Suddenly KOSOY jumped up from his chair:

A stray bullet is to blame!

He pointed his gun at GUS,

But shot his own brother.


GROMILA jumped up abruptly,

BALBES got slapped in the face,

But KLAUS whipped out a knife

Shouting: 'Don't touch BALBES!!!'

KOSOY fired from a barrel,

Finishing off NEMO by mistake.

GROMILA slammed the lid shut -

Drowning KOSOY!



Награбленных денег хватило надолго!

Кабак стал обителью наших страстей.

Мы тратили время без всякого толка,

Запасы спиртного топили гостей.

Сидел я с бутылкой среди обалдевших,

Опухших, едва узнаваемых лиц,

Товарищей пьяных, увы, не сумевших

В ту ночь поделить двух распутных девиц!

Начался дебош и хаос!

Принесли вина и рому,

Первый выстрел сделал КЛАУС

Продырявив бок НЕМОМУ.


Тут все

Как с цепи сорвались,

Позабыли о том, что



Под столы забрались,

Глядя, как уменьшалась


Вдруг КОСОЙ вскочил со стула:

Пуля - дура виновата!

На ГУСЯ направил дуло,

А пристрелил родного брата.


ГРОМИЛА резко вскочил,

БАЛБЕС леща получил,

Но КЛАУС выхватил нож

Кричал: "БАЛБЕСА не трожь!!!"

КОСОЙ из бочки палил,

НЕМОГО сдуру добил.

ГРОМИЛА крышку закрыл -

КОСОГО утопил!


The song "Brawl Over Babes" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a gang of robbers who decide to celebrate their success in a tavern after a successful robbery.

At the beginning of the song, the author describes an atmosphere of revelry and carefree abandon: there is plenty of loot, liquor flows freely, and the heroes enjoy their freedom. However, the idyll is shattered when two members of the gang, unable to share two girls, start a fight that escalates into a bloody massacre.

The lyrics of the song are full of black humor and grotesque, which emphasizes the absurdity of the situation. The gang members, bearing nicknames (Klaus, Mute, Cross-Eyed, Goose, Brute, Goon), act impulsively and recklessly, which leads to tragic consequences.

The meaning of the song is to show how easy it is to destroy what has been created because of a trifle, such as momentary passion or greed. The robbers, who yesterday acted together for a common goal, are ready to kill each other today because of women.

The chorus of the song "Everyone went berserk, forgetting that we are a team!" emphasizes the main point: in pursuit of momentary pleasures, the heroes forget about the main thing - friendship, loyalty, and camaraderie. As a result, nothing remains of the once strong gang, except for empty bottles and corpses.

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