The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Wounded warrior" (Ranenyiy voin) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The devils! They got me!

And I was so eager to fight!

They pulled me off my horse, the whole damn lot,

I’m howling like a dog in the night!

My trusty armor has been pierced,

I barely even feel the pain,

Where did all my glory go?

Today I die a hero’s name!

I see the faces of my forefathers,

The heroes I always looked up to,

The bravest, most fearsome warriors,

Damn them all, every one of you!

О черти, ранили меня!

А так ведь славно рвался в бой!

Толпою сбросили с коня,

Я издаю собачий вой!

Пробит мой фирменный доспех

Почти не чувствую я боль,

Куда девался мой успех?

Я нынче сдохну, как герой!

Своих я вижу праотцов

С кого пример всегда я брал

Героев, чёрт бы их побрал,

Крутых, отчаянных бойцов.

The lyrics of the song "Wounded Warrior" by the band "Korol i Shut" are full of bitter irony and black humor, characteristic of the band's work. Let's analyze its meaning:

Situation: The lyrical hero is a wounded warrior on the verge of life and death. He addresses the "devils," which indicates his despair and proximity to the other world.

Irony of Fate: The warrior "rushed into battle gloriously," but was humiliatingly "thrown off his horse by the crowd." His "branded armor" is pierced, and he himself "emits a dog's howl." All of this creates a contrast between the heroic image of a warrior and the pitiful reality.

Black Humor: The phrase "I hardly feel any pain" sounds sarcastic, given that the warrior is dying. The question "where has my success gone?" emphasizes the absurdity of the situation – there is no glory or triumph.

False Ideals: In his dying visions, the hero sees his "forefathers" - "heroes, damn them." He took an example from them, but ended up in the same situation – abandoned and dying. This calls into question the value of military valor and heroic death, showing their flip side.

Finale: The phrase "I will die like a hero today!" sounds ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a statement of fact; on the other, it is a bitter mockery of the very notion of heroic death.

Thus, the lyrics of "Wounded Warrior" are a reflection on the price of heroism, the gap between ideals and reality, and the cruelty and absurdity of war. The song is filled with tragedy, but it is not without its dark humor, which makes one think about the frailty of life and the relativity of all values.

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