The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Richard Gordon" the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

On the forest road through the dark woods

A van was moving, painted it was;

Strange hieroglyphs and a Celtic cross,

Skulls on the doors on both sides.

As soon as they stepped

Boots on the ground,

Greetings, dark force,

Hide, enemies!

A glorious guy - Richard Gordon!

He is always ready to help everyone!

He firmly believes in his work,

He will join the battle

Without further ado.

He traveled around Europe for many years,

He paved the way along the paths of legends.

A Bible in a raincoat and an old crossbow,

He wants to look into the secrets of ancient years.

They will tell you this

People sometimes,

But not a word of truth -

It's all nonsense.

But he believes in fables

About forest witches and sorcerers.

He is not afraid of their curses,

He is strong in spirit - be healthy!

He does not allow himself to doubt

That evil rises when the moon is in the sky.

But there is not a single trophy in the back,

Only a goat's horn and the fangs of a boar.

Those fears that immediately

Can't be explained

Give birth to nature


In manuscripts, the secrets of the ancients,

As always, full of mysticism,

Reliable explanations

Sound minds demand.

По лесной дороге через тёмный лес

Двигался фургон, разрисован был он;

Странные иероглифы и кельтский крест,

Черепа на дверцах с обеих сторон.

Едва лишь ступили

Наземь сапоги,

Привет, тёмной силе,

Прячьтесь, враги!

Славный парень - Ричард Гордон!

Всем помочь он всегда готов!

В своё дело верит твёрдо,

Вступит в бой

Он без лишних слов.

По Европе колесил немало лет,

По тропам легенд он прокладывал путь.

Библия в плаще и старый арбалет,

В тайны древних лет хочет он заглянуть.

Расскажут такого

Люди иногда,

Но правды ни слова -

Всё ерунда.

Но он верит в небылицы

Про лесных ведьм и колдунов.

Их проклятий не боится,

Крепок он духом - будь здоров!

Сомневаться права не даёт себе

В том, что зло встаёт, когда в небе луна.

Но нет ни одного трофея в кузове,

Лишь козлиный рог, да клыки кабана.

Те страхи, что с ходу

Объяснить нельзя,

Рождают природу


В манускриптах, тайны древних,

Как всегда, мистики полны,

Объяснений достоверных

Здравые требуют умы.

The song "Richard Gordon" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a man who sincerely believes in mysticism, legends, and ancient lore. He travels through Europe, following the trails of ancient myths, armed with a crossbow and a Bible. Despite his van being adorned with ominous symbols and his willingness to fight the forces of darkness, the lyrics hint that Richard Gordon is likely delusional in his beliefs.

The songwriter contrasts Gordon's belief in the supernatural with reality: "But there is not a single trophy in the back, / Only a goat's horn and boar's tusks." This indicates that all his "hunts" for witches and sorcerers end in nothing. The phrase "People tell such tales / Sometimes, / But there's not a word of truth - / It's all nonsense" emphasizes that stories about mystical creatures are nothing more than fabrications and superstitions.

The song does not mock Gordon's faith but rather treats his naivety with sadness and understanding. After all, it is "those fears that are difficult / To explain at once, / That give birth to the nature / Of superstition." "Sound minds" demand explanations, but mysticism is mysticism because it lies beyond logic and rational understanding. Richard Gordon may not find proof of the supernatural, but he continues to believe, and there is a certain romanticism in that.

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