The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Horned" (Rogatyiy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Pale face, silent lips,

A heavy stone nearby -

Someone's frozen at the bridge's edge,

With a dull and gloomy eye.

Down below, the moon takes a bath,

And a hat can be seen as well,

Pulled down upon his head it fell...

At that moment, from the night forest,

A young villager came by.

He saw the man and the stone,

The man and the stone nearby.

"Greetings, mister,

As I stand here, I can't figure,

Why you'd choose to stand

On this bridge all night long."


"Don't bother me, young man!" -

The stranger did reply.

And with a trembling hand

He touched his hat silently,

"Go on your way,

Don't trouble my despair!

My path is at its end.

I've been cruelly deceived, I swear!"

"Don't tell me you decided today

To drown, to drown?

Doesn't the river's

Cold water, cold water, make you frown?

What does it mean to be 'deceived,'

Enlighten me!

I wish to learn about this, you see!"

"Well, then, look!" - the stranger exclaimed,

Throwing his hat into the stream. -

"How can one like me possibly live

In this world, it would seem?!"

"What kind of trick is this?!" - the young man cried,

And stumbled back in fright,

For into a pair of goatish horns

His gaze had just taken flight.


Бледный вид, безмолвные уста,

Тяжелый камень рядом -

Кто-то замер на краю моста,

С тупым и мрачным взглядом.

Там внизу купается луна

И шапка тоже там видна,

На голову его натянута она...

В это время из ночного леса

Вышел сельский парень.

Увидал он мужика и камень,

Мужика и камень.

"Здравствуй, дядя,

На тебя я глядя

Не могу понять,

Для чего в ночи

На мосту стоять".


"Не мешай мне, парень!" -

Незнакомец отвечал.

И дрожащею рукою

К своей шапке молча прикоснулся

"Дуй своей дорогой,

Не тревожь мою печаль!

Путь завершен.

Я, увы, жестоко обманулся!"

"Неужели ты решил сегодня

Утопиться, утопиться?

Не страшит тебя в реке

Холодная водица, водица?

Что такое значит "обмануться",

Просвети меня!

Хочу узнать об этом я!"

"Что ж, смотри!" - воскликнул незнакомец,

Бросив шапку в реку. -

"Разве можно жить как я такому

В мире человеку?!"

"Что за фокусы?!" - воскликнул парень.

И попятился назад,

В козлиные рога

Его вонзился взгляд.


The song "Horned" by the band Korol i Shut tells the story of a young man's encounter with a mysterious stranger on a bridge. The stranger, despondent and gloomy, stands on the edge, ready to take his own life. His "pale appearance" and "silent lips" speak of profound despair. The young man, full of life and curiosity, fails to comprehend the stranger's motives and attempts to strike up a conversation.

The stranger, however, pushes the young man away, asking not to be disturbed or have his sorrow interfered with. He considers his path finished, admitting that he was "cruelly deceived." The young man, unwilling to accept the thought of suicide, tries to understand what drove the stranger to the brink. The question "What does it mean to be 'deceived'?" becomes key, exposing the chasm between the young man's naive perception of the world and the stranger's tragic experience.

The climax arrives when the stranger, tearing off his hat, exclaims: "How can one like me live in this world?!" This gesture symbolizes an unveiling, the removal of a mask. Instead of an expected bald head or scars, the young man sees "goat horns" – a symbol of an inhuman essence, rejection, and perhaps, dark forces.

The final repetition of the chorus, where the stranger asks not to be disturbed or have his peace disturbed, takes on a new, ominous connotation. Now it is not just a plea from a desperate man but a threat from a creature whose true nature has been revealed.

The song leaves many questions unanswered. Who is this stranger – a victim of circumstance or a bearer of evil? What is the nature of his deception, and what is the origin of his horns? Korol i Shut, masterfully employing mystical imagery and ambiguity, create an atmosphere of mystery and horror, forcing the listener to ponder the boundaries of humanity and the price of knowledge.

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