The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Rum" (Rom) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A thunderous cry:

- Give the people rum!

No ifs, ands, or buts,

The people need some!

- Ladies and gentlemen!

It's a trivial matter, really,

But we're all out of food,

And the rum's run dry.

New Year's Eve it is,

For the fifth night straight,

Townsfolk are drinking rum,

And all in one voice they prate:

A thunderous cry:

- Give the people rum!

No ifs, ands, or buts,

The people need some!

- What are you offering your guests?

Chess and bingo?

You can't fool us!

Innkeeper, are you even trying?


Where, oh where, oh where is the pianist?

Asleep under the piano he is!

The violinist has a

Terrible headache.

All the, all the, all the decent folk

Have turned into a rabble.

There's no stopping these people!

Happy New Year!

- The guests, of course, need rum,

And it'll arrive tomorrow afternoon.

The world is angry at this old man -

Farewell, my little tavern.

A thunderous cry:

- Give the people rum!

No ifs, ands, or buts,

The people need some!

An abbot walked into the tavern!

Well, no harm in that,

Except for one strange fact -

The jester walked in with him.

And, having surveyed the people,

They cooked up a meal for everyone,

From jester's pranks

And theological themes.


Where, oh where, oh where is the pianist?

Asleep under the piano he is!

The violinist's

Instrument is broken.

All the, all the, all the decent folk

Have turned into a rabble.

There's no stopping these people!

Happy New Year!

Крик подобен грому:

- Дайте людям рому!

Нужно по-любому

Людям выпить рому!

- Дамы и господа!

Право, какой пустяк!

Кончилась вся еда,

В погребе ром иссяк.

На дворе Новый Год,

Пятую ночь подряд

Ром горожанин пьёт,

Все в один голос вопят.

Крик подобен грому:

- Дайте людям рому!

Нужно по-любому

Людям выпить рому!

- Что ты гостям суёшь?

Шахматы и лото?

Нас ты не проведёшь!

Трактирщик ты или кто?!


Где, где, где, где пианист?

Под роялем спит!

У-у-у-у скрипача

Голова болит.

Весь, весь, весь приличный люд

Превратился в сброд.

Не унять народ!

Здравствуй, Новый Год!

- Гостям, конечно, нужен ром,

А он прибудет завтра днём.

На старика озлоблен мир -

Прощай, мой маленький трактир.

Крик подобен грому:

- Дайте, людям рому!

Нужно по-любому

Людям выпить рому!

В трактир зашёл аббат!

Ну, да и шут бы с ним,

Если б не странный факт -

То, что и шут был с ним.

И, оглядев людей,

Пищу сварили всем

Из шутовских затей

И Богословских тем.


Где, где, где, где пианист?

Под роялем спит!

У-у-у-у скрипача

Инструмент разбит.

Весь, весь, весь приличный люд

Превратился в сброд.

Не унять народ!

Здравствуй, Новый Год!

The song "Rum" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a boisterous New Year's Eve celebration in a tavern. The main meaning of the lyrics is to show the unrestrained merriment, revelry, and thirst for pleasure that has gripped the people.

Thirst for Rum: The main leitmotif of the song is the unquenchable thirst for rum among the tavern's patrons. "The cry is like thunder: Give the people rum!". This phrase, repeated throughout the song, reflects not just a desire to drink, but rather an obsession that drives people. Rum here acts as a symbol of unrestrained fun, a tool for achieving ecstasy and oblivion.

Holiday as Chaos: New Year's Eve in the tavern is presented as a time of chaos and the destruction of norms. Musical instruments are broken, decent people have turned into a rabble, the innkeeper is on the verge of ruin. The atmosphere of the holiday is brought to the point of absurdity: even an abbot with a jester came to the feast. All this creates a picture of madness and revelry, where there is no place for rationality and decency.

Irony and Criticism: Despite the seeming boisterousness, the song contains an ironic subtext. The authors make fun of drunkenness and revelry, bringing them to the point of grotesque. "Food is cooked from jester's tricks and theological themes" for the guests - this phrase hints at the spiritual emptiness and meaninglessness of what is happening.

In general, the song "Rum" is a satirical reflection of human vices, which are especially pronounced in an atmosphere of permissiveness and celebration.

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