The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Gardener" (Sadovnik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The whole evening the guy has no peace from his sisters:

'Go,' they say, 'at night, for flowers in someone else's garden.

That gardener who lives by the forest,

He has such a wonderful garden...'

And the guy decided then:

'Okay, I'll go to the garden,

Or else these women will drive me crazy,

They won't give me any peace!'

And as soon as the hour came,

He took a knife and went,

Under the cover of darkness,

To someone else's garden, to pick flowers!


'Go, go, brother, to someone else's garden,

Pick some flowers, bring them home.

Brother, to someone else's garden, go, go

And bring us some other people's flowers'.

An hour passed, another hour passed,

The brother still hadn't returned.

The sisters began to worry -

How long can you wait for your brother!

Dawn is at the window,

But the brother is still gone,

But as soon as the roosters crowed at the door

Footsteps were heard!


And with a smile from ear to ear,

The gardener entered the house,

He put a bouquet of flowers on the table and disappeared,

Without further ado.

And the sisters opened their mouths,

Looking at the flowers -

Their brother's head

Lay among the flowers!


Целый вечер нет покоя парню от его сестер:

"Ты сходи, - говорят, - ночной порою за цветами в сад чужой.

Тот садовник, что живет у леса,

У него ведь сад такой чудесный..."

И решил парень тут:

"Ладно, в сад я пойду,

А то эти бабы доведут,

Покоя и не дадут!"

И лишь час подошел,

Взял он нож и пошел,

Под покровом темноты

В чужой сад, рвать цветы!


"Ты пойди, пойди, братец, в сад чужой,

Набери цветов, принеси домой.

Братец, в сад чужой, ты, пойди, пойди

И чужих цветов ты нам принеси".

Час прошел, другой прошел,

Брат назад все не шел.

Сестры начали переживать -

Сколько можно брата ждать!

За окошком рассвет,

Ну а брата все нет,

Но едва запели петухи у двери

Раздались шаги!


И с улыбкой во весь рот,

В дом вошел садовод,

Положил на стол букет цветов и сгинул,

Без лишних слов.

И открыли сестры рты,

Посмотрев на цветы -

Голова их брата

Средь цветов лежала!


The song "The Gardener" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells a story about greed, indifference, and their horrifying consequences. The plot revolves around a guy whose sisters persuade him to steal flowers from someone else's garden. Despite the danger, and egged on by his sisters, he agrees and sets off on his mission under the cover of night.

The meaning of the lyrics:

Greed and selfishness: The sisters care neither for their brother's safety nor for the work of others. They only want to satisfy their own whim by obtaining beautiful flowers. Their indifference is emphasized by the repeating chorus, which sounds like an obsessive and heartless mantra.

Foolishness and submissiveness: The brother, tired of the persuasion, agrees to the dangerous task without thinking about the consequences. He gives in to his sisters, showing no common sense whatsoever.

The inevitability of punishment: The image of the gardener is shrouded in dark mystery. He acts as a symbol of retribution for greed and recklessness. The ending of the song is shocking in its cruelty and hopelessness: the brother dies, and his head becomes part of a gruesome "bouquet" that the gardener brings.

Irony of fate: The words of the chorus, which initially sounded like an instruction, take on a sinister meaning at the end. The flowers obtained at such a price become a symbol of tragedy and a reminder of the terrible retribution for stupidity and selfishness.

The song "The Gardener" is a dark fairy tale that makes you think about the cost of thoughtless actions, and the consequences of greed and indifference towards others.

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