The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Knight" (Ryicar) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Walking heavily in knight's armor,

Silently I approached her house,

I wanted to charm her with a noble appearance,

The woman I loved so much!

We escaped from the asylum at night,

Me and my friend - Lenny de Sade,

Although we respected each other greatly,

I was glad to part with him!


-I will break down your door,

Even until the very morning,

I need to explain myself,

How could you not recognize me,

I am a knight, I am the most handsome of all,

I am ready to conquer you!

Come on, open the door for me soon,

Come on, let me in!!!

She wanted to love a real man,

And I was just a psycho for her,

In this I found the main reason,

To prove that this is a lie!

Breaking down her door, shaking the walls,

I want to break into her house so much,

- 'Why don't you open up to me, my dear?!!'

I shout to the whole neighborhood!


-I will break down your door,

Even until the very morning,

I need to explain myself,

How could you not recognize me,

I am a knight, I am the most handsome of all,

I am ready to conquer you!

Come on, open the door for me soon,

Come on, let me in!!!

Out of nowhere, the guards swooped in,

I couldn't scatter them all,

My woman watched in horror,

As they put me in the 'Goat house'.

Тяжело ступая в рыцарских доспехах,

Молча к ее дому я подходил,

Благородным видом понравиться хотел я

Женщине, которую очень любил!

Мы из дурки ночью убежали,

Я и мой приятель - Леня де Сад,

Хоть друг друга сильно уважали,

Расставаться с ним был я рад!


-В дверь твою я буду ломиться,

Хоть до самого утра,

Мне так нужно объясниться,

Как меня ты узнать не смогла,

Я же рыцарь, я всех красивее,

Я готов покорить тебя!

Ну, открой мне дверь скорее,

Ну, давай, пусти же меня!!!

Она любить хотела реального мужчину,

А я, просто психом был для нее,

В этом находил я главную причину,

Чтобы доказать, что это вранье!

Дверь ее, ломая, стены сотрясая,

В дом ее ворваться я так хочу,

- "Что же ты, родная мне не открываешь?!!"

Я на всю округу кричу!


-В дверь твою я буду ломиться,

Хоть до самого утра,

Мне так нужно объясниться,

Как меня ты узнать не смогла,

Я же рыцарь, я всех красивее,

Я готов покорить тебя!

Ну, открой мне дверь скорее,

Ну, давай, пусти же меня!!!

Ни возьмись откуда стража налетела,

Раскидать их всех я не смог,

Женщина моя с ужасом смотрела,

Как меня сажают в "Козелок".

The song "Knight" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells the story of a man who escapes from a mental institution and believes himself to be a knight. He is obsessed with the desire to win the heart of his beloved, who, in his opinion, rejected him because of a false perception of him. The lyrics of the song intertwine elements of romantic chivalry with the realities of the hero's mental disorder.

The image of the knight is presented in a distorted form. On the one hand, the hero dresses in armor (although it is unclear whether it is real), strives for his lady love, and is ready to "break into the door until the very morning." On the other hand, his chivalry borders on aggression ("breaking down her door, shaking the walls"), and the image of a "noble knight" is destroyed by the mention of an escape from the "loony bin" and imprisonment in "Kozelok" (probably another name for a psychiatric hospital).

The love line is also riddled with tragedy and irony. The hero is convinced that his beloved rejected him, mistaking him for a madman. He tries to prove otherwise, but his actions only confirm her fears. The end of the song, where the hero is taken away to the hospital, leaves no doubt about his inadequacy.

The meaning of the song lies in demonstrating the distorted perception of reality by the hero suffering from mental illness. The mask of chivalrous romance hides the tragedy of a person who is unable to distinguish fiction from reality and is doomed to loneliness.

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