The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Boots" (Sapogi) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A drunken woodcutter was dragging himself through the forest,

His hair suddenly stood on end.

He saw a dead man in the unmown grass,

Wearing new boots, barely worn.

'Oh, I'll take them for myself.

How will they look on me?'

And he came home joyful:

'Quick, sister, open the door for me!

Look what's on my feet,

Look at the boots I'm wearing!'

The brother rejoices,

The sister worries.

Night falls - she prays all night:

'I can't sleep, my head aches!

Your new possession will bring misfortune,

Brother, you shouldn't have taken the boots

From a cold, dead foot!'

And a voice came from behind the window:

'Open the door, man, be kind!

I've come back to get

What you dared to take this morning!'

And a voice came from behind the window:

'Open the door, man, be kind!'

And the man grabbed an axe

And quickly ran out into the yard.

The woodcutter avoided everything around him,

He didn't meet anyone, and suddenly -

Suddenly he saw on the floor of his house,

His sister lying dead, wearing the boots…

Пьяный дровосек тащился по лесу,

Встали у него вдруг дыбом волосы.

Увидел он мертвеца в траве некошеной

В новых сапогах, почти не ношенных.

"Эх, я возьму их себе.

Как они будут на мне?"

И пришёл он радостный домой:

"Поскорей, сестра, мне дверь открой!

Посмотри что на моих ногах,

Посмотри, в каких я сапогах!"

Радуется брат,

Сестра тревожится.

Наступает ночь - она все молится:

"Не могу уснуть, болит головушка!

Принесет беду твоя обновушка,

Зря братец снял сапоги

С мертвой холодной ноги!"

И раздался голос за окном:

"Открывай мужик мне дверь добром!

Я пришел обратно получить

То, что смел ты утром утащить!"

И раздался голос за окном:

"Открывай мужик мне дверь добром!"

А мужик схватился за топор

И проворно выбежал во двор.

Дровосек избегал все вокруг,

Никого не встретил он и вдруг -

Вдруг увидел дома на полу

В сапогах убитую сестру...

The song "Boots" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a story about human greed and its consequences. The main character, a woodcutter, finds a corpse in the forest wearing almost new boots. Instead of feeling fear or sympathy, he is overcome by greed. He steals the boots without a second thought about who they belonged to or how taking them might affect him.

The woodcutter's sister senses that something is wrong, intuitively understanding that the stolen boots will bring misfortune. Her anxiety is the voice of reason and warning, which the protagonist ignores. At night, the family's peace is disturbed by the dead man, who demands the return of his property. Blinded by fear and possibly guilt, the woodcutter grabs an axe and runs out into the yard, expecting to see the dead man.

The climax is a gruesome discovery: on the floor of the house lies his murdered sister, wearing the stolen boots. The ending of the song is open to interpretation. Perhaps the dead man took revenge on the woodcutter by taking the life of his dearest one. Or, in a fit of madness caused by fear and guilt, the woodcutter himself killed his sister, and the boots on her are a symbol of his own demise, both moral and possibly physical.

The song is a dark parable about how greed and disrespect for death can lead to tragic consequences.

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