The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Daredevil and the Wind" (Smelchak i Veter) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"


I’m not a timid boy, you see,

I can do anything with glee,

I’m strong and ловкий, that is true,

I’ll teach the wind a lesson or two!

A strong wind blew, tore roofs apart,

And, though the hour was very late,

Hardly a soul in the whole district slept,

The elements were in an angry state.

But suddenly a fellow came running and shouting

And started to wave a broom about:

“Oh, wind, you scoundrel, you stop me from sleeping,

Come out and fight, get out!”


And the wind began to swirl, to sweep around,

Uprooting fir trees as it went:

“Where did this madman come from, I wonder,

Who wants to fight the wind, how absurd.”

But the fellow wouldn’t give up and waved his broom,

And further into the fields he went.

He put up a good fight against the wind,

But the wind grew more and more violent.


But suddenly the broom went whistling through the air,

And the brave fellow after it flew.

And after that the night became more calm,

The silly fellow disappeared from view.

The shepherds found him in a haystack

In the early morning light.

He was sleeping very soundly,

And the wind sang him songs through the night.



Я ведь не из робких,

Все мне по плечу.

Сильный я и ловкий,

Ветра проучу!

Дул сильный ветер, крыши рвал.

И, несмотря на поздний час,

В округе вряд ли кто-то спал -

Стихия не на шутку разошлась.

Но вдруг какой-то парень с криком побежал

И принялся махать метлой:

"Ах, ветер, негодяй, ты спать мне помешал,

А ну-ка выходи на бой!"


И ветер закружился, заметался

И ели начал с корнем рвать:

"Откуда этот сумасшедший взялся,

Что хочет с ветром воевать".

Но парень не сдавался и метлой махал,

И удалялся вглубь полей.

И впрямь неплохо с ветром воевал,

А ветер становился злей...


Но вдруг метла со свистом улетела прочь

И храбрый парень вслед за ней.

А после этого спокойней стала ночь -

Исчез во мраке дуралей.

Его под утро пастухи нашли в стогу -

Он очень крепко спал,

А ветер песни напевал ему

И кудри ласково трепал.


The song "The Daredevil and the Wind" by the band "Korol i Shut" is an ironic story about bravado, the confrontation between man and nature, and the unpredictability of fate.

The meaning of the song is multifaceted:

On the surface level, it's a funny story about a boastful guy who decided to teach the wind a lesson. His courage borders on recklessness, and his actions look comical. He challenges the elements armed only with a broom and even tries to "fight" them.

On a deeper level, the song makes you think about the place of man in the world, about his attempts to resist the forces of nature. The wind in the song is a metaphor for uncontrollable forces, fate, against which a person is often powerless. Despite all his bravado, the hero turns out to be a toy in the hands of the elements.

The ending of the song is ambiguous. The wind carries the guy away but doesn't kill him. He ends up in a haystack, where he sleeps peacefully, and the wind sings him songs. This can be interpreted in different ways: as a mockery of fate, as an unexpected manifestation of the mercy of the elements, or as a metaphor for the madness that the hero plunges into, unable to withstand the storms of life.

It is important to note the ironic tone of the song. The music, the lyrics, the grotesque images - all this creates an atmosphere of comicality, not allowing you to take the story too seriously.

Ultimately, "The Daredevil and the Wind" is a philosophical parable disguised as a cheerful song. It leaves many questions unanswered and does not provide clear answers, inviting the listener to reflect on its meaning themselves.

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