The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Secret of Old Clocks' Owner" (Tayna Hozyayki Starinnyih Chasov) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The village hid amidst eerie forests,

Where quite by chance, he arrived one day,

A collector of antique clocks, he sought them far and wide,

For museums, he'd display.

He couldn't help but be surprised

By the mistress of the old mansion,

A beautiful maiden in his eyes -

In such wilderness, what was her mission?


Above the fireplace, an antique clock did dwell,

Its hands frozen for over a hundred years, they fell.

The maiden's gaze upon it, so strange and deep,

As if secrets, the old clock would keep.

But no, unyielding was the mistress's hold -

The clock, she refused to sell.

And for the night, her guest she enrolled,

Offering her bed, as the story tells.

But as soon as she fell asleep,

Quietly closing the door behind,

Into the living room, a figure did creep -

The guest, in the night's blind.


Not immediately, the flaw he did find,

But the bell in the old clock began to chime -

Back to the mistress's bedroom, he walked with a stride:

"I've awakened this ancient thing, I confide!"

In response, a rasping breath she drew,

Wild terror reflected in her stare.

The clock chimed on - she aged anew,

Until only ashes lay there.


Деревня укрылась средь жутких лесов,

Туда совершенно случайно попал

Один покупатель старинных часов,

Он их для музея повсюду искал.

Не мог он не удивиться

Хозяйке старого особняка,

Красивая с виду девица -

Откуда в этой глуши она?!


Висели над камином старинные часы,

И стрелки замерли на них сто с лишним лет назад.

Девица не спускала с них свой очень странный взгляд,

Они давно стоят.

Но нет, неподкупна хозяйка была -

Часы отказалась она продавать.

И на ночь оставила гостя она,

Свою предложила мужчине кровать.

Но только она заснула,

Тихонько дверь притворив за собой,

В гостиную прошмыгнула

Фигура гостя во тьме ночной.


Не сразу он в них неисправность нашел,

Лишь колокол в старых часах зазвонил -

Обратно он в спальню хозяйки пошел:

"Мол, древнюю вещь ото сна пробудил!"

В ответ она захрипела,

Был дикий ужас в ее глазах.

Часы звенели - она старела,

Пока не превратилась в прах.


The song "The Mystery of the Antique Clock Mistress" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a mystical story about the connection between an antique clock and its mistress. In a remote village hidden in the woods, a collector stumbles upon a mansion with a beautiful but strange mistress. She possesses an antique clock that he longs to acquire for the museum. However, the clock turns out to be not just an antique, but an artifact that holds the mistress's youth.

The lyrics are permeated with an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism. The author uses metaphors and vivid imagery to convey the sinister connection between the girl and the clock. For example, "the hands froze over a hundred years ago" is an indication that time has stopped for the mistress at the moment the clock stopped ticking. Her "very strange look", fixed on the clock, hints at the dependence of her life on this object.

The refusal to sell the clock looks like a reluctance to part with an expensive item, but in the context of further events, it becomes clear that the stakes are much higher - it is about life and death.

At night, the guest accidentally triggers the clock mechanism, breaking the long-standing stagnation. The ringing of the bell awakens not only the clock mechanism but also triggers the irreversible aging process of the mistress. She ages before our eyes, turning to dust, because time, stopped for her many years ago, overtakes her in an instant.

The song leaves behind a feeling of fatality and inevitability of fate. It reminds us that time is relentless, and even magic has no power over its flow. The image of the antique clock acts as a symbol of frozen time, which will sooner or later overtake everyone.

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