The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Father's gone mad." (Spyatil otec) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

All around are businessmen and there's no one for the kids to play with,

And yet it's been their playtime for a long time.

But then their father came home and wants to leave again,

They shout at him: "Well, look at us!!!"


Father's gone mad, which means it's the end for us,

He's been putting up with this for a long time,

What a disaster, everyone for themselves,

He's been torn away from his work.

What does he care about them? He's a very important man.

After all, he has subordinates like rats.

They come to him with all their hearts, but he buries his head in the sand,

They come to him with all their hearts, and he says: "Get lost!"


He throws chairs at them, he breaks their huts,

He threatens to tear their arms off,

"You're little devils, not kids at all!"

But you've driven your dad crazy, damn it!!!


Кругом одни дельцы и не с кем детям поиграть,

А ведь у них уже давно потехи час.

Но вот пришел отец и хочет уходить опять,

Они ему кричат: "Ну, посмотри на нас!!!"


Спятил отец, а значит нам конец,

Он все это долго терпел,

Вот так беда, спасайся кто куда,

Его оторвали от дел.

А что ему до них? Он очень важный человек.

Ведь подчиненных у него, как крыс.

К нему со всей душой, а он же головою в снег,

К нему со всей душой, а он: "А ну-ка, брысь!"


Он в них швыряет стулья, он ломает шалаши,

Он им грозится руки оторвать,

"Вы просто дьяволята, а никак не малыши!"

Но довели папашу, вашу мать!!!


The song "Спятил отец" (Father Went Mad) by the band Король и Шут (King and Jester) tells the story of a tragic conflict between generations and social roles, where the father, consumed by work and the "importance" of his position, has completely withdrawn from his own children.

The lyrics of the song clearly show the contrast between the adult world, full of "businessmen" and routine, and the world of children, who crave attention and play. The phrase "There are only businessmen around and no one to play with the children" paints a bleak picture where adults are concerned only with their own affairs, and children are deprived of the most important thing – parental love and care.

The father in the song is presented as a deeply unhappy man, a prisoner of a system where "he has as many subordinates as rats." He has lost touch with his own soul, with simple human joys, becoming a slave to his ambitions. The phrase "They come to him with all their hearts, and he buries his head in the snow" emphasizes the gulf of misunderstanding between the father and his children, his inability to see their love and need for him.

The climax of the song is the scene of the father's madness, caused by the unbearable burden of responsibility, misunderstanding and, perhaps, the realization of his own guilt. He takes out his pain and despair on the children, seeing them as the source of his troubles. The images of "throwing chairs," "breaking huts," "threatening to tear off their hands" convey the extent of his despair and hopelessness.

The song "Спятил отец" (Father Went Mad) is a cry from the heart about the importance of human relationships, the need to find time for loved ones, and the fact that no career achievements can replace the warmth and love of family.

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