The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sausage" (Sosiska) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I was the coolest guy in the yard,

Knew all the girls very well,

But I hated it so much,

That they called me a sausage, can you tell?

I didn't know how to curse at people,

And I didn't want to be a sausage,

Imagine, I didn't even eat them,

There was no resemblance, not even a smidge.


Why do they call me a sausage?

I'm ashamed and very hurt,

And from this word, my soul cries,

Only outwardly you can't see it.

And with my beloved girl,

We broke up, alas, very quickly,

Because someone told her:

"Natasha, you're dating a sausage!"

From grief, I began to avoid everyone,

And shied away from passers-by,

And I had to lose my friends,

I became unlike myself, oh my.


And, of course, they didn't mean any harm,

They called me a sausage for fun,

But resentment crept into my heart,

These letters were killing me, one by one.

My mind plunged into darkness,

I turned into a madman,

I began to howl at the moon at night,

And why was I born into the light?


Первым парнем я был во дворе,

Всех девчонок я знал очень близко,

Но ужасно не нравилось мне,

Что меня называли сосиской.

Я ругаться с людьми не умел

И сосискою быть не хотелось,

Я их даже, представьте, не ел,

Внешних сходств никаких не имелось.


Ну, зачем называют сосиской меня,

Мне же стыдно и очень обидно,

И от этого слова в душе плачу я,

Только внешне вам это не видно.

И с девчонкой любимой своей,

Мы расстались, увы, очень быстро,

Потому, что сказал кто-то ей:

"Ты, Наташка, гуляешь с сосиской!"

С горя начал я всех избегать

И шарахался я от прохожих,

И друзей мне пришлось потерять,

Стал я сам на себя непохожий.


И, конечно, меня не со зла,

Ради шутки сосискою звали,

Но обида мне в сердце ползла,

Эти буквы меня убивали

Разум мой погрузился во тьму,

В сумасшедшего я превратился

Стал я ночью вопить на луну,

И зачем я на свет появился?


The song "Сосиска" (Sausage) by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) tells the story of a young man suffering from an offensive nickname. Despite his popularity in the yard and success with girls, the nickname "Sausage" deeply hurts him.

The lyrics are full of irony. The lyrical hero emphasizes the absurdity of the situation: he does not eat sausages and does not look like them. Nevertheless, the nickname sticks to him firmly and poisons his life.

The nickname becomes the reason for breaking up with his girlfriend and alienates his friends. He withdraws into himself, begins to "shy away from passers-by." The culmination is the hero's insanity, caused by constant ridicule.

The song raises important themes: the cruelty of teenage bullying, the destructive power of offensive words, and the defenselessness of a person against ridicule. Despite the seeming simplicity of the text, "Sausage" is a deep and tragic story about how a carelessly thrown word can break a person's life.

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