The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A Stranger Among Us" (Svoy Sredi Chujih) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

How wickedly they gleam -

The eyes of a maniac -

He hates all living things.

But he doesn't realize

That there's one of his own among strangers!

Forests and country roads,

Trees and fir trees,

And in the village

Wolves are howling.


Someone wants to play with him.


Not a soul around,

Only the beating of hearts.

And in the power of his hands

A sharpened branch -

His best friend.

Something's wrong here,

As if an enemy is near.

A fist like lead.

My friend the moon,

Give me a sure sign!

Strangely enough,

There is no one alive in the village -

He recognized the familiar handwriting.

Had he been here before?

The maniac himself

Did not give an answer to this.

What had happened to his memory?

It had failed him.

And the feeling again

Told him:

Someone had been here,

Someone he had completely forgotten -

Forgotten everything!

But suddenly someone from behind,

For fun,

Plunged up to the hilt

Into his shoulder blade

A rusty cleaver -

And the maniac fell down dead,

Without turning around.

Bending over the body

And grinning,

Someone exclaimed:

- Good job!

My student!

You haven't learned the craft well,

You've reached a dead end!


So that there would be

Someone equal to me,

I revealed all my secrets to him, and he

Is doubly guilty!

I hate

These maniacs!

To defeat me

Not a single one

Of my students has been able to.

Как злобно сверкают

Глаза маньяка -

Он ненавидит всех живых.

Но невдомёк ему, однако,

Что есть свой среди чужих!

Леса и просёлки,

Деревья да ёлки,

А в посёлке

Воют волки.


С ним кто-то хочет поиграть.


Ни души вокруг,

Только сердца стук.

И во власти рук

Заточенный сук -

Его лучший друг.

Что-то здесь не так,

Будто рядом враг.

Как свинец кулак.

Подруга луна,

Подай верный знак!

Живых, как ни странно,

В посёлке нету -

Знакомый почерк он узнал.

Бывал ли он здесь?

Ответ на это

Сам себе маньяк не дал.

Что с памятью стало?


А чувство снова


Тут кто-то был,

О ком он напрочь позабыл -

Всё позабыл!

Но вдруг кто-то сзади,

Потехи ради,

По рукоятку

Вонзил в лопатку

Ржавый тесак -

И рухнул замертво маньяк,

Не обернувшись.

Над телом согнувшись

И усмехнувшись,

Воскликнул кто-то:

- Лиха работа!

Мой ученик!

Ты плохо ремесло постиг,

Зашёл в тупик!


Для того, чтоб был

Кто-то равный мне,

Я ему открыл все тайны, и он

Виновен вдвойне!

Ненавижу я

Этих маньяков!

Одолеть меня

Не смог ни один

Из моих учеников.

The song "One of Our Own Among Strangers" by the band Korol i Shut tells the story of a maniac caught in the trap of his own madness. The lyrics are permeated with an atmosphere of paranoia and horror, and the ending turns the usual idea of good and evil upside down.

At the beginning of the song, we see the maniac full of hatred for the world. He is a "stranger" among the "living", isolated in his madness. The images of "forests", "country roads", "howling wolves" create an oppressive atmosphere, emphasizing the loneliness and delusion of the hero. The maniac senses someone else's presence, but cannot determine who or what is pursuing him.

The chorus reveals the maniac's state of mind: he is alone ("Not a soul around"), his only companions are fear ("Only the beating of his heart") and the murder weapon ("A sharpened stick"). The moon - a traditional symbol of mysticism and mystery - becomes his "friend" from whom he seeks support and a sign.

The second part of the song brings in an element of mystery. The maniac finds himself in a familiar place, but cannot remember if he has been there before. His memory fails him, but his intuition ("feeling") tells him that he has forgotten something, someone.

The culmination is a sudden attack. The maniac, accustomed to being the hunter, becomes the victim. The killer turns out to be his teacher, who is disappointed in his student. The final lines of the chorus reveal the terrible truth: the teacher is an even more brutal maniac who raised one like himself. He "revealed all his secrets" to him, but the student "reached a dead end", failing to surpass his mentor.

Thus, the song "One of Our Own Among Strangers" is not just a story about a maniac. It is a reflection on the nature of evil, how it breeds itself and how easy it is to become a victim of your own demons.

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