The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Theatre Demon" (Teatralnyiy demon) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

"God gave - the demon took"

The granite of the theater walls

Sacredly preserves within itself

The single path

Of great destinies.

And like a gust of wind,

The explosion of human emotions

Nourishes them -

My children.


All life is like a moment,

You are multifaceted!

While you are here with me, while you are near...

The Puppet Master is alive,

Having taken root

In the altar of magical art,

Completely content.

You carry your talent,

And I am your second:

A gambling fight -

A duel with yourself.

I will squeeze you to the last drop.

And even in the hour of death,

Rejecting pain -

Accept the role!


All life is like a moment,

You are multifaceted!

While you are here with me, while you are near...

The Puppet Master is alive,

Having taken root

In the altar of magical art,

Completely content.

I control the rhythms of hearts!

I control the rhythms of hearts!

I control the rhythms of hearts!

I control the rhythms of hearts!

«Бог дал - демон взял»

В себе свято хранит

Театра стен гранит

Великих судеб

Единый путь.

И как ветра порыв,

Людских эмоций взрыв

Питает их -

Детей моих.


Вся жизнь - словно миг,

Ты многолик!

Пока со мной ты здесь, пока ты рядом...

Повелитель кукол жив,

Корни пустив,

В магическом искусства алтаре,

Рад всему вполне.

Несете свой талант,

А я ваш секундант:

Азартный бой -

Дуэль с собой.

До капли выжму вас.

И даже в смертный час,

Отринув боль -

Примите роль!


Вся жизнь - словно миг,

Ты многолик!

Пока со мной ты здесь, пока ты рядом...

Повелитель кукол жив,

Корни пустив,

В магическом искусства алтаре,

Рад всему вполне.

Я управляю ритмами сердец!

Я управляю ритмами сердец!

Я управляю ритмами сердец!

Я управляю ритмами сердец!

In the song "The Theatre Demon" by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester), the line "God gave – the demon took" reflects the dual nature of theatrical art and the essence of the artistic soul.

"God gave" can be interpreted as the natural talent, the spark, the inspiration bestowed upon the artist from above. It is a gift that allows them to create illusions on stage, to transform, to touch the hearts of the audience.

"The demon took" points to the price that must be paid for this gift. The theatre is a merciless demon, demanding complete submission. The artist gives it their life, their emotions, their very soul. They become a prisoner of their own talent, a "puppet" in the hands of the "Puppet Master." The theatre burns them to the core, forcing them to fight, to overcome pain, to go all the way, even at the cost of their own life.

This line creates an atmosphere of fatality, of inevitability, inherent in the theatrical world. The artist is an eternal captive of their passion, doomed to an eternal struggle with their own demons for the sake of a fleeting triumph on stage.

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