The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Clown's Shadow" (Ten Klouna) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A clown casts a shadow

Hungry for laughter

Onto the noisy crowd,

In a moment of triumph.

And clouds cover

The sky above the circus

And in the black belly melt

Human voices. - Fear the shadow!

Fear my shadow, gentlemen!

She is stupid and disobedient!

For the sake of laughter,

For the sake of laughter, you have come here,

I'm sure you won't be bored!

The crowd is noisy - laughter!

It will drive everyone crazy!

The viewer is gone,

The old clown bows:

- Thank you all,

For your joy!

He glanced at the shadow,

He glanced at his shadow:

- Aren't you full? What a pity!

The crowd is noisy - laughter!

It will drive everyone crazy!

The viewer laughs,

And the shadow steals up to him.

Бросает клоун тень

Голодную до смеха

На шумную толпу,

В какой-то миг успеха.

И тучи застилают

Над цирком небеса

И в черном чреве тают

Людские голоса.- Бойтесь тени!

Бойтесь моей тени, господа!

Она глупа и непослушна!

Ради смеха,

Ради смеха вы пришли сюда,

Уверен, вам не будет скучно!

Шумит толпа - смех!

Сведёт с ума - всех!

Зритель сгинул,

Старый клоун делает поклон:

- Спасибо всем,

За вашу радость!

Тень окинул,

Свою тень окинул взглядом он:

- Ты не сыта? Какая жалость!

Шумит толпа - смех!

Сведёт с ума - всех!

Зритель смеётся,

А тень к нему крадётся.

The song "Shadow of the Clown" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a story about the tragic duality of an artist's nature. The clown, craving the audience's recognition and laughter, fails to notice how his own shadow, symbolizing the dark side of his personality, gains sinister power.

The lyrics are full of contrasts. A bright scene of a circus performance is replaced by a gloomy picture of a cloud-covered sky, and the cheerful laughter of the crowd fades before the clown's ominous warning about his rebellious shadow.

The clown himself, reaching "the moment of success", becomes hostage to his own image. He is forced to entertain the audience, even when the joy becomes obsessive and frightening ("The crowd roars with laughter! It will drive everyone mad!"). The clown's shadow, "hungry for laughter," feeds on the energy of the audience, gradually absorbing them ("The spectator has vanished...").

The ending of the song leaves a depressing impression. The clown, absorbed in his success, does not notice how his shadow, having sated itself, sneaks up on a new spectator. The tragedy lies in the fact that the artist, striving to bring joy, becomes a conductor of a dark force that consumes both him and his audience.

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