The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Drowned Man" (Utoplennik) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Once, having drunk my fill, I climbed out the window,

I glanced lazily at the river.

The water was red, like wine,

Someone was drowning by the shore.

I could have, probably, helped the poor fellow,

But my legs went the wrong way.

Suddenly the cry broke off, and he vanished away,

And the water became calm.

And since then his pleading gaze

Has haunted me,

I began to drink wine more often

And cursed that day!


A spooky night laughed with streams of rain,

In the noise of the water I heard someone's steps,

I saw a dead man on my doorstep,

And his terrible voice cried out: 'HELP !!!'

A bottle of wine shattered on the floor,

The guest seemed terrifying to me!

And pain, like fire, burned my shoulder,

And fingers dug into my bone.

The water rose in the cursed river,

Flooding the islands.

I instantly sobered up and rushed to where

The fishing boat was.

The current carried the boat away,

I miraculously managed to grab hold.

Holding onto the side, gathering my strength,

I climbed into it, lay down on the bottom.


I lay unconscious all night,

Woke up with a sore head.

My boat had moored to the shore.

I don't remember what happened to me!

There was a bottle of wine in my pocket,

But I wasn't surprised,

I just opened it, started drinking from the neck

And suddenly saw above me,

How clouds cover the sky,

And there's no end in sight!

Peals of thunder summon

From the river the body of the DEAD MAN!

Однажды, набравшись, я вылез в окно,

На речку лениво взглянул.

Вода была красная, будто вино,

У берега кто-то тонул.

Я мог бы, наверно, бедняге помочь,

Но ноги пошли ни туда.

Вдруг крик оборвался, и сгинул он прочь,

И стала спокойной вода.

И с тех пор молящий взгляд его

Преследовал меня,

Стал я чаще пить вино

И проклинал тот день я!


Жуткая ночь хохотала потоками ливня, В шуме воды мне послышались чьи-то шаги, Я мертвеца у себя на пороге увидел, И голос ужасный его прокричал: "ПОМОГИ !!!"

Об пол разлетелась бутылка вина,

Ужасным казался мне гость!

И боль, как огнем мне плечо обожгла,

И пальцы вонзились мне в кость.

В проклятой реке поднималась вода,

Затапливая острова.

Я вмиг протрезвел и помчался туда,

Где рыбацкая лодка была.

Теченьем лодку уносило,

Я зацепиться чудом смог.

За борт держась, собравшись с силой,

Залез в нее, на днище лег.


Всю ночь провалялся без памяти я,

Очнулся с больной головой.

Причалила к берегу лодка моя.

Не помню, что было со мной!

В кармане лежала бутылка вина,

Но я удивляться не стал,

А просто открыл, начал пить из горла

И вдруг над собой увидал,

Как тучи небо закрывают,

И не видно им конца!

Раскаты грома вызывают

Из речки тело МЕРТВЕЦА!

The song "The Drowned Man" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a man tormented by guilt for failing to save a drowning person.

The first verse describes the fateful day. Drunk, the hero sees a drowning man, but instead of helping, he succumbs to apathy and fear, turning away from another's misfortune. The image of the red water, "like wine," emphasizes the hero's distorted perception of reality while intoxicated.

The second verse shows how this act poisoned the hero's life. The "pleading look" of the drowned man haunts him, forcing him to seek oblivion in alcohol and curse that day.

The chorus takes us into the hero's nightmare, where he encounters the ghost of the drowned man begging for help. The broken wine bottle, the burning pain, and the fingers digging into the bone are all elements of a nightmare, reflecting the hero's mental anguish and fear of retribution for what he has done.

The second part of the song describes how the hero, driven by horror and guilt, rushes to the river. The image of the river overflowing its banks symbolizes the growing feelings of guilt and fear overwhelming the hero. He struggles with the current, trying to escape the nightmare that haunts him.

The final verses show that the hero does not remember what actually happened. He wakes up in his boat with a bottle of wine, but the final lines, describing the corpse rising from the river, cast doubt on the reality of what is happening. Perhaps the hero was never able to cope with his guilt and went mad, and everything that happens is just a figment of his sick imagination.

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