The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pull." (Tyani) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

I jumped into an empty well, miraculously survived,

But I didn't care, I didn't want to see

How everyone around me was going crazy,

Besides, there's this beauty who haunts my mind.

I can't figure out what she wants from me,

And now I hear her footsteps above,

Please, don't try to pull me out,

I won't grab onto the rope you throw down.


Pull, you won't pull me out anyway,

Pull, I'll stay in your shadow anyway,

There's nothing you can do to help me, my dear,

I'm doomed with you, you dream of love,

And what am I doing here?

I'm covered in cobwebs from head to toe,

Inedible mushrooms gleam white on the stones,

She stands above, unwilling to leave,

She doesn't understand that it's impossible to change my mind...


I don't need anything, I just need peace,

I know exactly why I've become so strange,

It's not that I'm underfed, it's not that I'm sleep-deprived,

It's just that I'm tired of the fuss and the lack of understanding...


Прыгнул я в пустой колодец, чудом уцелел,

Но мне было все равно, я больше не хотел

Видеть, как вокруг меня сходят все с ума,

Да, к тому же, не дает покоя мне красавица одна.

Что ей нужно от меня понять я не могу,

Вот и щас ее шаги я слышу наверху,

Умоляю, не пытайся вытащить меня,

Все равно не уцеплюсь за сброшенную вниз веревку я.


Тяни, ты все равно меня не вытянешь,

Тяни, я все равно останусь для тебя в тени

Ничем не сможешь ты мне, милая, помочь,

С тобой я обречен, мечтаешь о любви,

А я-то тут причем?

Паутиной я окутан с ног до головы,

На камнях белеют несъедобные грибы,

Наверху она стоит, не хочет уходить,

Непонятно ей, что невозможно меня переубедить...


Мне не надо ничего, мне нужен лишь покой,

Точно знаю, почему я странный стал такой,

Я не то чтоб недоел, не то, что б недоспал,

Просто я от суеты и от непонимания устал...


The song "Tяни" ("Pull me") by the band "Король и Шут" ("The King and the Jester") depicts a protagonist consumed by despair and hopelessness. He symbolically jumps into a well, signifying his desire to isolate himself from a world that drives him mad. The reasons behind his state remain somewhat ambiguous, but he mentions "vanity" and "misunderstanding," alongside a certain beauty who seems unresponsive to his affections.

The hero seeks neither rescue nor aid. He implores the girl not to pull him out, acknowledging his inability to grasp the "rope thrown down." This metaphor illustrates his lack of faith in salvation and the pointlessness he sees in returning to his former life.

The song's chorus, addressed to a certain "You" (likely the aforementioned beauty), further emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation. The hero believes he is destined to remain in the "shadows" of his despair, despite any attempts to help him.

The imagery of "cobwebs from head to toe" and "inedible mushrooms" intensifies the oppressive atmosphere of despair and illustrates the depth of the hero's desperation. He has resigned himself to his fate and sees no way out.

"Tяни" serves as a metaphor for the human struggle with inner demons, loneliness, and a lack of understanding. It prompts reflection on the importance of paying attention to the inner state of loved ones, as even an outstretched hand may prove futile if the person does not wish to be saved.

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