The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Morning dawn" (Utrenniy rassvet) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The morning dawn, the sun rose above the earth,

The forest awoke, admiring the pink dawn.

Over the lake stood, swirling white fog,

In the ravine under the mountain, the foliage rustled,

The sun's ray smiled and played with the dew,

These places are especially beautiful in the morning.


Continuation of sleep, wonderful time,

How divine and simple nature is...

In the blue sky, clouds float like ships,

A warm breeze rushes over the surface of the earth,

Roosters have not yet woken up in the villages,

And the fishermen on the lake are not yet visible,

The grass in the fields is trampled by cows,

How great that I had a chance to visit here...


Утренний рассвет, солнце поднималось над землей,

Просыпался лес, восхищаясь розовой зарей.

Над озером стоял, клубился белый туман,

В овраге под горою шелестела листва,

Луч солнца улыбался и с росою играл,

Особенно прекрасны утром эти места.


Продолженье сна, дивная пора,

Как божественна природа и проста...

В небе голубом облака плывут, как корабли,

Теплый ветерок мчится над поверхностью земли,

Еще не пробудились петухи в деревнях,

И рыбаков на озере пока не видать,

Коровами истоптана трава на полях,

Как здорово, что здесь мне довелось побывать...


The lyrics of the song "Morning Dawn" by the band "Король и Шут" (King and Jester) offer a lyrical depiction of nature's beauty at dawn. The author paints a vibrant picture of the awakening world using evocative epithets ("pink dawn," "white mist," "wondrous time"), metaphors ("the sun's ray smiled and played with the dew," "clouds sail like ships"), and personifications ("the forest awoke, admiring," "the breeze rushes").

The song is imbued with a sense of tranquility, peace, and admiration for the grandeur of nature. The lyrical hero relishes the moment of unity with the surrounding world, experiencing a state of quiet joy and harmony.

Auditory imagery plays a crucial role in creating the atmosphere: the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds (though not directly described, it is implied), further emphasize the peace and serenity of the morning.

The lyrics are full of optimism and love of life. The phrase "How wonderful that I had the chance to be here..." conveys a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to behold the beauty of nature and feel like a part of it.

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