The meaning of the lyrics of the song "In the Vanity Fair" (V Dome Sueta) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

He woke up in a dark dungeon.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind the door.

'I know for sure - this is just a bad dream!

Oh, my angel, help me to wake up!'


There is a fuss in the house, the sister cries bitterly:

What to do, people? The brother cannot be awakened!

A man stood in the doorway,

He said in an ominous voice:

'You have lost yourself, you have slept too long, boy,

Forgetting that there are many tears in the world...'


There is a fuss in the house, the sister cries bitterly:

What to do, people? The brother cannot be awakened!

'From now on, boy, you are a traitor to your soul!' -

Said the jailer and went into the darkness.

And the poor prisoner cried out with all his might,

But even the echo did not answer him...


There is a fuss in the house, the sister cries bitterly:

What to do, people? The brother cannot be awakened!

Очнулся в темном подземелье он.

За дверью вдруг послышались шаги.

"Я знаю точно - это всего лишь страшный сон!

О, ангел мой, ты мне проснуться помоги!"


В доме суета, горько плачет сестра:

Как же, люди, быть? Брата не разбудить!

В дверном проеме человек стоял,

Зловещим голосом он произнес:

"Ты потерял себя, ты слишком долго, парень, спал,

Забыв о том, что в мире много слез..."


В доме суета, горько плачет сестра:

Как же, люди, быть? Брата не разбудить!

"Отныне, парень, ты душе своей - изменник!" -

Сказал тюремщик и ушел во тьму.

И закричал, что было мочи бедный пленник,

Но даже эхо не ответило ему...


В доме суета, горько плачет сестра:

Как же, люди, быть? Брата не разбудить!

The song "V Dome Sueta" (In the House of Fuss) by the band Korol i Shut tells a tragic story of a man caught in a dire situation, unable to break free. The lyrics are full of metaphors and symbols that create an oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness.

The first verse paints a picture of the protagonist waking up in a "dark dungeon." This may not be a literal dungeon, but rather a metaphor for a hopeless situation, a trap he has fallen into. The words "I know for sure – this is just a bad dream!" convey the hero's desperation and desire to escape reality. The appeal to the "angel" is a plea for help, a hope for a miracle.

The chorus contrasts with the verse, taking us to the hero's home. The "fuss" and the sister's crying emphasize the tragedy of what is happening: the hero is inaccessible, as if dead to the outside world, although physically alive.

The second verse develops the plot. The appearance of the "man in the doorway" is the personification of fate, inevitability. The "ominous voice" and the words about the "lost self" heighten the feeling of hopelessness. The hero has been captive to illusions for too long, forgetting about the harsh reality ("there are many tears in the world").

The third verse is the culmination of the tragedy. The jailer, "leaving into the darkness," symbolizes hopelessness, the absence of any chance of salvation. The words "a traitor to your soul" are a verdict that the hero himself pronounced, having succumbed to weakness and illusions. His unanswered cry is a symbol of final loneliness and despair.

Thus, "V Dome Sueta" is not just a song, but a grim philosophical parable about choice, responsibility, and the price of self-deception.

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