The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Witch and the Donkey" (Vedma i osyol) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A gypsy once predicted to me as a child

That if I ever fell deeply in love,

I would destroy the one I loved,

That I would not forgive betrayal

And would take cruel revenge:

Not intentionally, but out of spite,

I would turn him into a donkey.

He was such a sweet guy,

But why did he cheat?

And then it all began,

The prediction came true,

And suddenly I lost control over myself

And the poor thing began to moan,

To be covered with gray hair.


I'm a witch, oh, I'm a witch,

Such is my difficult fate,

I am endowed with power,

But unfortunately, my love is doomed.

And my beloved forever

Remained to live with me.

And he followed me

Here and there.

I noticed at times

How my dear one suffers,

And I felt sorry for the donkey -

I sent him to the meadow.

I wanted somehow

To return his lovely appearance,

I tried my best,

But nothing helped.

He stamped his hooves,

He cried like a donkey,

And wagged his tail,

He wanted to be human...


Only he realized that he was doomed

Until the end of his days

To be a suffering donkey

Under my care,

And in the end, finally,

He brought his end closer:

He drank something, he ate something,

And the poor thing died.


В детстве цыганка мне одна

Предсказала будто я,

Если сильно полюблю,

То любимого сгублю,

Что измены не прощу

И жестоко отомщу:

Не специально, но со зла

Превращу его в осла.

Он очень милым парнем был,

Но зачем он изменил?

И тогда все началось,

Предсказание сбылось,

И внезапно над собой

Потеряла я контроль

И несчастный стал стонать,

Серой шерстью обрастать.


Ведьма я, эх, ведьма я,

Такая вот нелегкая судьба моя,

Силой я наделена,

Но на беду любовь моя обречена.

И мой любимый навсегда

Жить остался у меня.

И за мною по пятам

Он ходил и тут и там.

Замечала я порой,

Как страдает милый мой,

И жалела я осла -

На лугу его посла.

Я все хотела как-нибудь

Облик милого вернуть,

Я старалась, как могла,

Но ничем не помогла.

Он копытами стучал,

По ослиному кричал,

И хвостом своим вертел,

Человеком быть хотел...


Лишь понял он, что обречен

До заката своих дней

Быть страдающим ослом

Под опекою моей,

И в итоге, наконец,

Он приблизил свой конец:

Что-то выпил, что-то съел,

И бедняга околел.


The song "The Witch and the Donkey" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells a tragic story about love and the uncontrollable power possessed by the female protagonist.

In her childhood, a gypsy prophecy foretold that her strong love would turn into a curse: she would not be able to forgive her beloved's betrayal and, unintentionally, would turn him into a donkey.

Upon meeting a "sweet guy," the heroine finds love, but the prophecy comes true – his betrayal triggers a chain of tragic events. The heroine, losing control over herself, transforms her lover into a donkey.

Despite the bitterness of betrayal, she experiences remorse and pity. She tries to return him to his human form, but all her efforts are in vain. The donkey, once her beloved, suffers, longing for his former life, but is forced to accept his fate.

In the end, unable to bear the torment and hopelessness, the donkey takes his own life, leaving the heroine alone with the curse of her love and uncontrollable power that caused the tragedy.

The song is filled with deep sorrow, fatalism, and raises questions of fate, responsibility for one's feelings, and the consequences of unbridled emotions.

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