The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Jack and Queen" (Valet i Dama) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A strong man walked with a smile through the night park.

And by the quiet pond, he met a fortune-teller.

The guy turned to her: 'This is what I want to know -

How many days do I have left? How, tell me, will I die?'


And the cards fell on the snow, and the old woman told the guy

Through a raspy laugh:

'The unfortunate Jack is covered in blood, and above him is a terrible Queen

With a knife in her hand!'

And the strong man exclaimed, rubbing his hands:

'What are you trying to tell me, I don't understand.'

And a knife flashed in the darkness, and laughter rang out:

'Right here, right now, you're going to have a bad time!'


And the cards fell on the snow, and the old woman told the guy

Through a raspy laugh:

'The unfortunate Jack is covered in blood, and above him is a terrible Queen

With a knife in her hand!'

The witch leaned over the body,

And in an unknown direction

She disappeared!

Шёл с улыбкой здоровяк по ночному парку.

И у тихого пруда повстречал гадалку.

Обратился парень к ней: "Вот что знать хочу я -

Сколько мне осталось дней? Как, скажи, умру я?"


И упали карты на снег, и старуха парню сказала

Сквозь хриплый смех:

"Весь в крови несчастный Валет, а над ним ужасная Дама

С ножом в руке!"

И воскликнул здоровяк, руки потирая:

"Что ты хочешь мне сказать, я не понимаю."

И блеснул во мраке нож, и раздался хохот:

"Прямо щас и прямо здесь будет тебе плохо!"


И упали карты на снег, и старуха парню сказала

Сквозь хриплый смех:

"Весь в крови несчастный Валет, а над ним ужасная Дама

С ножом в руке!"

На тело ведьма покосилась,

И в неизвестном направленьи


The song "Jack and Queen" by the Russian band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) tells a tragic and chilling story of a strong but naive young man's encounter with a mysterious fortune teller, which turns out to be fatal for him. The lyrics are filled with ominous imagery and foreshadowing, creating an atmosphere of suspense and doom.

The first verse introduces us to a carefree "strongman" strolling through a night park. The image of a park, especially at night, is often associated with mystery, danger, and unpredictability. The encounter with the fortune teller by a quiet pond is a classic plot device that foreshadows mystical events. The young man's question about death, although asked with a smile, reveals his inner anxiety, perhaps a subconscious premonition of trouble.

The chorus reveals the cards (literally and figuratively): the cards that have fallen onto the snow predict the young man's imminent death. The images of the "bloody Jack" and the "Queen with a knife" leave no doubt about the tragic outcome. The old woman's "hoarse laughter" adds to the horror and emphasizes the inevitability of fate.

The second verse shows the young man's reaction to the prophecy. He is confused, not understanding the ominous meaning of the fortune teller's words. His question "What are you trying to tell me?" sounds naive and helpless in the face of impending danger. The climax comes swiftly: "a knife flashed, laughter rang out" – and the strongman is struck down.

The repetition of the chorus reinforces the image of the fateful cards and the horrific ending in the listener's mind. The final lines, concisely describing the fortune teller's disappearance, leave a lingering feeling of hopelessness. The witch, having "glanced at the body," disappears into the night as if nothing had happened, feeling neither regret nor fear.

Thus, the song "Jack and Queen" is a dark tale about the clash of naivety and fate, about how sometimes even the strongest and most carefree people become victims of malicious intent and forces beyond their control.

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