The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Trolls" (Vesyolyie Trolli) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Around us hills, and woods, and ravines, and meadows,

And by the roadside stand the stacks of hay...

And brightly shines the sun in the blue,

To meet it cheerfully we all go.

We are good fellows, we are trolls, we amuse people.

We have in store a lot of funny ideas,

How good it is that we all live here now,

Let's sing our song in chorus!

We come from afar, meet us, people!

Look, we are dancing at the city gates.

Open up for us!

Open your windows wide, fling open the doors,

We are going to put on a show for you.

We will give you a holiday!

Come out, all you good people, or you villains!

We'll have a laugh, it'll be more fun together!

It will be more fun for everyone!

We go to every house, tra-la-la, we send a big hello!

We will teach you how to live without knowing evil and troubles!

Live without evil and troubles!





Open the windows, fling open the doors!

We are going to put on a show for you!


But as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the tower,

From good trolls we will turn into shadows.

We will no longer sing and dance with people,

We will perform a completely different service.

Those who did not come to the festival, who did not understand us,

Who guarded their diamond in a chest in the basement,

And in whose hearts anger was born at the sight of us,

They will disappear forever, vanish into this night!


Vanish away!

Вокруг холмы, леса, овраги и луга,

И вдоль дороги рыжие стоят стога...

И ярко светит солнце голубом,

Ему навстречу весело мы все идём.

Мы добряки, мы тролли, веселим людей.

У нас в запасе множество смешных идей,

Как хорошо, что все мы здесь сейчас живём,

Давайте песню нашу хором пропоём!

Издалека идём, встречайте нас, народ!

Смотрите, пляшем мы у городских ворот.

Отворяйте нам!

Откройте настежь окна, распахните двери,

Мы сейчас для вас устроим представленье.

Праздник подарим вам!

Вылазьте все, кто добрый, или кто злодей!

Мы посмеёмся, вместе будет веселей!

Всем будет веселей!

Мы в каждый дом, тра-ля-ля, шлём большой привет!

Научим вас, как жить, не зная зла и бед!

Жить без зла и бед!





Открывайте окна, распахните двери!

Мы сейчас устроим для вас представленье!


Но, лишь на башне полночь прогремят часы,

Из добрых троллей в тени обратимся мы.

С людьми не будем больше петь и танцевать,

Совсем другую службу будем выполнять.

Кто не пришёл на праздник, кто не понял нас,

Кто в сундуке в подвале свой стерёг алмаз,

И в чьих сердцах при виде нас рождалась злость,

Те навсегда исчезнут, сгинут в эту ночь!


Сгинут прочь!

The lyrics of the song "Merry Trolls" by the band "Korol i Shut" are full of duality and hidden meaning, masked by a carefree, even childish melody. At first glance, we have a group of good-natured trolls wandering the world and bringing joy and fun to people. Vivid images of nature ("hills, forests, ravines," "red haystacks," "blue sky") create a serene atmosphere. The trolls position themselves as "good guys" ready to give laughter and teach people to live "without evil and misfortune."

However, behind this ostentatious benevolence lies a sinister subtext. Repeated calls to "Open the windows, open the doors!" sound more and more insistent and aggressive, turning into a demand, not a request. The true nature of trolls is revealed at the stroke of midnight: "From good trolls in the shadows we will turn." The holiday turns into a massacre of those who did not accept the "goodness" of the trolls: "Who did not come to the holiday... who kept his diamond in a chest in the basement... They will disappear forever, perish this night!"

Thus, the song "Merry Trolls" is an allegory for hypocritical virtue, which turns into cruelty and violence if it is not accepted unconditionally.

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