The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Water spirit" (Vodyanoy) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

In the forest pond

The water played

In the sun's rays.

Kapiton was walking from hunting,

Carrying a beaver on his shoulders.

In the heat of the day

Along the forest path

He trudged home wearily.

By the pond, as always,

He stopped,

He began to wash his face.


Sometimes it refreshes

In the heat, cold water

So that trouble doesn't happen

Hey, man, don't go in there!

But the water greatly distorted

His reflection.

'What a freak,

Well, that's something!

Your beard is covered in leeches.

What nonsense -

Four buckets

As if you'd drunk mash,

You've aged, you've become ugly, you've grown,

You look like a dog!!!'


Soon, very angry,

The water spirit emerged:

'What are you, FOOL!

Have you completely lost your mind, man?

In my pond

I won't tolerate such things!

I see you again - I'll drown you immediately!'

'I ask the master of the pond

To forgive me!

It's just that, seeing you,

I thought - IT WAS ME!'

В лесном пруду

Вода играла

В солнечных лучах.

С охоты шел Капитон,

Бобра нес на плечах.

Знойной порой

Дорогой лесной

Домой он брел устало.

У пруда, как всегда,

Он встал,

Рожу мыть стал.


Освежает иногда

В зной холодная вода

Чтобы не стряслась беда

Эй, мужик, не лезь туда!

Но сильно искажала

Отражение вода.

"Какой урод,

Вот это да!

В пиявках вся борода.

Вот ерунда -

Четыре ведра

Как будто браги выпил,

Постарел, подурнел, оброс,

Паршивый, как пес!!!"


Вскоре очень злой

Вылез водяной:

"Ты что, ЛОПУХ!

Совсем, мужик опух?

Я в своем пруду

Таких не потерплю!

Еще увижу - сразу утоплю!"

"Я прошу владыку пруда

Извинить меня!

Просто, видя Вас,

Думал - ЭТО Я!"

The lyrics of the song "The Water Goblin" by the band "Korol i Shut" are full of irony and sarcasm, ridiculing human stupidity and vanity.

Kapiton, a tired hunter, approaches a pond to freshen up. The water distorts his reflection, and Kapiton, instead of understanding this, is frightened by his own "ugliness." He doesn't recognize himself, believing that he has aged, become ugly and generally looks like a "mangy dog."

This scene mocks the human tendency for self-deception and unwillingness to see oneself objectively. Kapiton blames external factors for everything - fatigue, heat, even leeches - but not himself.

The appearance of the Water Goblin, angered by the insults addressed to him, puts everything in its place. Kapiton, frightened, immediately changes his mind and begins to flatter the Water Goblin, calling him "the lord of the pond."

The ending of the song emphasizes the hypocrisy and cowardice of Kapiton, who is ready to do anything to save his own skin.

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