The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Thief, the Earl, and the Countess" (Vor, Graf i Grafinya) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

At night, thieves broke into the museum,

And one said to another:

"Take whatever you want, brother, but hurry,

I'll run to the throne room, I'll be right back!"


And the thief was left alone

Among the ancient sculptures and paintings,

And he sees the countess, who is with her valiant husband

In the picture,

All dressed up,

In a blue dress.

The thief, after thinking, took out his knife.

And he separated the countess from her husband.

And with a smile he said to the count:

"I fell in love with your wife, don't be angry!"


And the thief was left alone

Among the ancient sculptures and paintings,

And he sees the countess, who is with her valiant husband

In the picture,

All dressed up,

In a blue dress.

As soon as the thieves left the museum,

The enraged count came out of the picture.

And in the dark park, he overtook his friends,

He pressed the offender firmly against the tree:

"Well, you've been caught, robber,

I will teach you a lesson!

You wanted, damned, to separate me from my wife!

And as punishment, I will drag you with me,

Forever you will be under my foot!"

The countess stands in the picture,

Hugging her husband.

And the noble count turned his gaze into the distance,

And the poor thief cries under his foot.

Ночью воры влезли в музей,

И один другому сказал:

"Ты, брат, бери, что хочешь, только скорей,

А я сгоняю пока в тронный зал, я мигом!"


И остался вор один

Средь старинных скульптур и картин,

И видит он ту графиню, что с доблестным мужем

На картине,

Вся в нарядах,

В платье синем.

Вор, подумав, нож свой достал.

И графиню от мужа он отделил.

И с улыбкой графу сказал:

"Твою супругу я полюбил, не гневайся!"


И остался вор один

Средь старинных скульптур и картин,

И видит он ту графиню, что с доблестным мужем

На картине,

Вся в нарядах,

В платье синем.

Лишь только покинули воры музей,

Как с картины сошёл разгневанный граф.

И в тёмном парке настиг он друзей,

Обидчика к дереву крепко прижал:

"Ну что, попался, разбойник,

Я тебя проучу!

Хотел, проклятый, меня разлучить ты с женой!

И в наказанье тебя я с собой утащу,

Навечно ты будешь у меня под ногой!"

Стоит графиня на картине,

Обнимает мужа своего.

И благородный граф вдаль взгляд направил свой,

И плачет бедный вор под его ногой.

The song "The Thief, the Count, and the Countess" by the band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester) is a story about the tragic consequences of stupidity and sacrilegious treatment of art.

At first glance, the lyrics seem straightforward: a thief, having broken into a museum, decides to steal not jewels, but a countess he liked from a painting, separating her from the image of her husband. However, the ending of the song turns everything upside down.

The meaning of the song lies in the fact that the thief, not appreciating the true value of art, saw only the outer shell – a beautiful woman in the picture. He did not understand that he was facing not just a portrait, but a captured moment, a story of love and fidelity. By his act, he destroyed not just an image, but the eternal bond between the spouses, which entailed a terrible punishment.

The revived count personifies not only revenge for desecrated love, but also the power of art, which is able to go beyond the canvas and punish those who treat it without due respect. The ending of the song leaves a painful impression, forcing us to think about the consequences of our actions and the fact that sometimes beauty and love exist only together and do not tolerate outside interference.

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