The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Forgotten boots" (Zabyityie botinki) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

A weary traveler, I'll enter your bedroom,

Uninvited, stealthily, without a word.

Besiege you softly, upon the divan I'll loom,

Wishing you dreams, unusual and absurd.

I'll light a candle, but I won't wake you, my dear,

I'll gaze at you intently, without a sound.

This moment will give me strength, heal wounds I bear,

And warmth will spread within my heart profound.


The distant path is calling, but I can't break free,

I return to you again, your image I hold dear.

At midnight, I'll set out on the moonlit road,

Bidding farewell forever to my love so true.

Oh, longing, leave me be, you're wretched and untoward,

You're not a friend to memories bright and new.

When you awake, you'll find my boots left there,

The ones I absentmindedly left by your door.

"But what is he wearing?" you'll ask with quiet despair,

What am I wearing? I haven't a clue anymore!


My bare feet will lead me back to you again,

What else can I do, my toes are numb with cold!

To be intrusive, it brings me no joy, it's true,

I'll take my boots and leave, as I've been told.

Once more, I wander, lost in thought, the moon my guide,

Your house receding in the distance far behind.

Boots on my feet, yet still my feet are chilled inside...

I've forgotten my pants...Oh no...Oh dear, I've lost my mind!

Уставшим путником войду в твою я спальню.

Без приглашения, тайком, без лишних слов.

Возле тебя я сяду тихо на диване

И пожелаю необычных, сладких снов.

Зажгу свечу я, но будить тебя не стану,

Не отрываясь, буду пристально смотреть.

И этот миг мне силы даст, залечит мои раны,

И он сумеет сердце мне согреть.


Дальний путь зовет меня, но уйти я не могу,

Возвращаюсь снова я, твой облик в сердце берегу.

А в полночь выйду я на лунную дорогу,

Простившись навсегда с любимою своей

Тоска оставь меня, глупа ты и убога.

Ты не подруга светлой памяти моей.

Когда проснешься ты, найдешь мои ботинки

Те, что случайно я оставил у тебя

А в чем ушел же он? себя ты спросишь тихо.

В чем я ушел? И сам того не знаю я!


Босые ноги возвратят меня обратно.

Куда деваться - отморожена ступня!

Мне быть навязчивым не очень-то приятно,

Возьму ботинки и уйду тотчас же я.

И вновь иду задумчивый по лунной я дороге,

И дом твой вновь остался за моей спиной.

Ботинки на ногах, но мерзнут мои ноги...

Забыл штаны... О нет... О, Боже мой!

The lyrics of the song "Forgotten Boots" by the band "Korol i Shut" (King and Jester) are full of mysticism and ambiguity, characteristic of the band's work. The lyrical hero appears before us as a ghost or spirit who visits his beloved after death.

"I will enter your bedroom as a weary traveler": Already in the first line, the hero indicates his non-living state. He is a weary traveler from the world of the dead, secretly entering the world of the living.

"I will light a candle, but I will not wake you, I will stare at you intently without looking away": The hero yearns to see his beloved but understands the illusory nature of his existence and the impossibility of contact.

"A long journey calls me, but I can't leave, I return again, I keep your image in my heart": The hero is bound by his feelings for his beloved, unable to leave the world of the living until he completes his journey and says goodbye.

"And at midnight I will go out on the moonlit road, Saying goodbye forever to my beloved": Midnight is a mystical time, a time when the boundaries between worlds are blurred. The hero decides to leave, to part with the past.

"Leave me alone, longing, you are stupid and wretched, You are not a friend to my bright memory": The hero addresses longing as a living being, trying to drive it away and leave the past behind.

"What did he leave in? you will ask yourself quietly. What did I leave in? I don't know myself!": The climactic moment – the hero forgets his boots, but not just shoes, but a symbol of his attachment, a part of himself in the world of the living.

"Bare feet will bring me back… I don't like being intrusive": The hero returns, but not as a ghost, but as a being experiencing physical pain (frostbitten foot). He realizes his intrusiveness, but can do nothing about it.

"I forgot my pants... Oh no... Oh my God!": The ending of the song returns to the image of the jester (a reference to the band's name): the hero finds himself in an absurd situation.

The song "Forgotten Boots" is a story about love, death, memory, and farewell. The image of forgotten boots becomes a metaphor for the impossibility of completely breaking with the past, even after crossing the line between life and death.

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