The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Sorcerer's Return" (Vozvraschenie Kolduna) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The sorcerer, consumed by sudden evil,

To save his soul, we, the village whole,

Decided to perform a deed,

A desperate, desperate need...

I remember the fury in his crazed eyes,

He bore his malice, no disguise,

He hated us all, his rage unconfined:

'I will return, I give you my word, you'll find!'

He played his dreadful role to the very last breath,

Laughing amidst the flames, embracing death,

Panic and fear, he instilled in our hearts,

Even as the wind tore him apart,

Scattering his ashes far and wide.

The priest, our shepherd, became the first to fall,

I, the chronicler, recorded it all.

The wind, they said, took his life away,

Or rather, drove him to his grave that day!

And every year since, on that very same date,

We found the dead, sealed by a cruel fate.

Perhaps my name, too, was on that grim list,

Yet the wind spared me, its touch I'd not missed,

Keeping me prisoner within my own home's wall.

I remember the moment, amidst the fire's thrall,

His furious gaze upon me did fall,

And in strong wine, I sought solace and grace,

From the tales the wind whispered in this place.

'I will live,' he roared, 'for all time!

Forever, your quill will chronicle my crime,

You will serve me, eternally, eternally!

As I did not escape the fire's decree!

And from the wind, there's no escape, you see...'

Стал колдун одержим вдруг злом,

Чтобы спасти душу его,

Решили мы всем селом

С ним сотворить кое-чего...

Помню ярость безумных глаз

Он не скрывал злобу свою

Он всех ненавидел нас:

"Да я вернусь, слово даю!"

Он до конца довел свою жуткую роль

Смеялся в огне, не чувствуя боль

Людей подчинял панический страх

Даже когда и ветер унес его прах,

И развеял по просторам.

Первой жертвой священник был -

Я обо всем летопись вел.

Ветер его убил,

А если точнее, до смерти довел!

И каждый год отныне, в этот же день

Мы находили мертвых людей.

Возможно, в черном списке был и я,

Но почему-то ветер не трогал меня

И не выпускал из дома.

Я помню тот момент, когда из огня

Яростный взгляд пал на меня

И я искал спасенье в крепком вине

От историй, что ветер рассказывал мне

"Я буду жить", - кричал он - "Вечно!

Вечно, будешь писать ты про меня

Ты будешь мне служить вечно, вечно!

Как не ушел я от огня!

И не скроешься от ветра"...

The song "The Wizard's Return" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the tragic story of a powerful sorcerer and the horrific consequences of his unyielding spirit. The lyrics are filled with a dark atmosphere, a premonition of doom, and despair.

The song begins by describing the villagers' desperate attempt to save the soul of the sorcerer consumed by evil. However, their actions only inflame his hatred and give rise to a terrible curse: "I will return, I give you my word!". Death by fire does not become the end for the sorcerer; his spirit, carried by the wind, continues to exist, sowing fear and death.

The chronicler, from whose perspective the story is told, becomes a witness to a series of mysterious deaths that occur every year on the anniversary of the sorcerer's burning. He realizes that it is not just the wind behind it all, but the vengeful spirit of the sorcerer, crossing names off his blacklist. The chronicler himself, paralyzed by terror, does not dare to leave his home, seeking solace in wine and trying to forget the chilling stories of the wind.

The culmination of the song is the appearance of the sorcerer to the chronicler. Addressing him from the flames, the sorcerer condemns him to eternal life full of suffering. He dooms him to an existence in the shadow of his curse, eternal imprisonment in his own home, and the endless documentation of the spirit's atrocities. "Forever, you will write about me... And you will not hide from the wind" - this sinister sentence reflects the hopelessness of the chronicler, who has become hostage to the sorcerer's revenge.

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