The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pig Defender" (Zaschitnik Sviney) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Where is the justice?

For many years now,

The people of the foothills

(A very peaceful crowd)

Have suffered because

An old vampire

Has been stealing their pigs

And drinking their blood!

They sent Stepan the brave

To the vampire's lair.

Among the cliffs

The young man searched for the lair

Where the old vampire

Drank the blood of others.

And in his words

Stepan heard

A threat and a mockery

'You've been caught!'

'It's a bad idea

To be a guest of the villain'


What do you want here?

You fool!!!

You need to drink some vodka,

Old man!

Few people

Come to visit me!

After all, there's no point

In eating you for lunch

People bore me'

At that moment

The young man suddenly wilted

'Why are you mocking me,

Old man?

I'm just like you

I hate pigs,

Because everyone laughs

That I'm uglier than a boar!

I hate them all

I wish them all dead!'


'In the morning we'll go together

To slaughter the pigs

You and I, vampire,

We'll have a glorious feast!'.

Где справедливость?

Уж который год

Жители предгорий

(Очень мирный народ)

Страдали от того,

Что старый вампир

Таскал их свиней

И кровь у них пил!

Послали к вампиру


Среди скал

Парень логово искал

Там, где старый вампир

Чужую кровь пил.

И в его словах

Степан услыхал

Угрозу и насмешку

"Ты попал!"

"Плохая идея -

Быть гостем злодея"


Что тебе здесь надо?


Водки выпить надо,


В гости ко мне

Мало кто заходит!

Все же на обед

Выгоды мне нет

Кушать тебя -

Люди мне приелись"

В этот миг

Вдруг детина поник

"Что ты дурачком меня

Дразнишь старик?

Я такой же, как ты

Ненавижу свиней,

Потому что все смеются,

Что я хряка дурней!

Их всех ненавижу

В гробу я их вижу!"


"По утру вдвоем

Бить свиней пойдем

Мы с тобой, вампир,

Славный будет пир!".

The song "Pig Protector" by the band "Korol i Shut" is full of dark humor and satire, ridiculing human stupidity, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

The meaning of the song is as follows:

A False Problem: The inhabitants of the foothills suffer from a vampire who steals their pigs. This problem is presented as serious, but in reality it is absurd. A vampire who feeds on blood would not steal pigs. This is hyperbole, ridiculing the inflated problems of society.

The Hypocritical Hero: Stepan, sent to fight the vampire, turns out to be no better than the villain. He hates pigs and happily joins the vampire to destroy them. This ridicules the image of the "hero", who is actually driven by his own selfish motives.

Social Commentary: The song mocks conformism and the fear of the "other". Residents are afraid of the vampire, but gladly accept Stepan, who turns out to be just as cruel. This is a hint that society is often afraid of fictional threats, ignoring real problems and vices.

Thus, the song "Pig Protector" is a caustic satire on human vices, disguised as a fairy tale.

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