The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pity there’s no gun!" (Jal, net Rujya!) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

The old cart's wheels creaked.

The mare splashed her hoof in the mud.

The tired old man smoked and thought about lodging.

He said to the mare: 'Take me to the village faster!'

But she looked anxiously towards the forest.

'She smells wolves!' - the old man immediately guessed.

'Gallop if you still value your life,

Before our furry neighbor jumps out!'


'Too bad there's no gun!

The ferocious predator

Is devilishly dangerous in the evening!

And to the village

There are many versts,

The path in the fog is unclear for the mare.


But suddenly the mare swerved sharply to the side,

Broke the reins and rushed away like a whirlwind.

The cart overturned at the same moment,

And the old man was eaten that night!

Скрипели старые колеса у телеги.

Кобыла шлепала копытом по грязи.

Уставший дед курил и думал о ночлеге.

Кобыле молвил он: "Быстрей в село вези!"

Но та тревожно в сторону леса поглядела.

Волков почуяла!,- смекнул тотчас же дед.

"Скачи галопом, коли жить не надоело,

Пока не выскочил лохматый наш сосед!".


"Жаль, нет ружья!

Свирепый хищник

Под вечер чертовски опасен!

А до села

Немало верст,

Путь в тумане кобыле неясен.


Но вдруг кобыла резко в сторону метнулась,

Порвала вожжи и помчалась вихрем прочь.

Телега на бок в тот же миг перевернулась,

И дедушка был скушан в эту ночь!

The song "Жаль, нет ружья!" ("What a pity, there's no gun!") by the Russian rock band "Korol i Shut" ("The King and the Jester") tells the story of an old man returning home on a cart. The atmosphere of anxiety and tension is set from the very first lines: the creaking of the wheels, the old man's fatigue, the ominous silence broken only by the sounds of the journey. The sudden alarm of the mare, sensing danger, makes the old man realize that there are wolves nearby.

The image of the wolf in folklore is a symbol of predation, ferocity, and threat. The phrase "shaggy neighbor" takes on a sinister connotation, emphasizing the proximity of danger. The old man realizes that the chances of survival are slim - the village is far away, the path is unclear, and he has no weapon.

The chorus of the song is a cry of despair, full of hopelessness and fear. "What a pity, there's no gun!" the old man repeats, realizing that he is defenseless in a fight with a predator. The image of the "ferocious predator", "devilishly dangerous" in the night fog, intensifies the feeling of hopelessness of the situation.

The climax is an unexpected plot twist: the mare, saving its own life, throws off the cart and runs away, condemning the old man to death. The ending of the song is tragic and full of irony. The old man, so afraid of wolves, found himself powerless against his own fear and the animal's instinct of self-preservation.

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