The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Goodbye" the performer of the song "Zemfira"

We broke away from the edge of the Earth

And jumped down

We promised to save each other

And we couldn't

Just don't be angry

Just don't be angry

I'll light a cigarette, turn around and say



I will still love you

To the point of madness

But you know


Fly towards the light

Where you belong

But I have to stay


I'll go through last year's poems

And throw them away

I'll get lost for a few days

And I won't be back

New life

New life

I'll write on my hand



I will still love you

To the point of madness

But you know


Fly towards the light

Where you belong

But I have to stay


I will still love you

To the point of madness

But you know


It's still beating inside me

That child's heart, it's

Hurting and cramped


Мы оторвались от края Земли

И прыгнули вниз

Мы обещали друг друга спасти

И не смогли

Только не злись

Только не злись

Я закурю, повернусь и скажу



Я еще буду любить

До одурения тебя

Только вот, знаешь


Лети в сторону света

Туда, где твое место

А мне нужно остаться


Я разберусь в прошлогодних стихах

И выброшу вон

Я потеряюсь на несколько дней

И не вернусь

Новая жизнь

Новая жизнь

Я напишу у себя на руке



Я еще буду любить

До одурения тебя

Только вот, знаешь


Лети в сторону света

Туда, где твое место

А мне нужно остаться


Я еще буду любить

До одурения тебя

Только вот, знаешь


Во мне все еще бьется

Оно, детское сердце, ему

Больно и тесно


Zemfira's song "Goodbye" is a poignant story about parting, about the pain of letting go and the inability to be together, despite strong feelings. The lyrical heroine realizes that the relationship has reached a dead end; it's like jumping into an abyss: "We broke away from the edge of the Earth / And jumped down." They promised each other support ("We promised to save each other"), but they couldn't keep that promise.

"Just don't be angry" – this phrase is repeated twice, emphasizing how important it is for the heroine to part without mutual reproaches and accusations. She makes the decision to leave first, saying a farewell "Goodbye."

Despite her determination, the heroine confesses the strength of her feelings: "I will still love you / To the point of madness." It's as if she is convincing herself that love will remain, even if the relationship has come to an end. She wants her beloved to find his way, his place in life: "Fly towards the light / To where you belong."

The heroine herself is left alone with her pain, to cope with the separation, to understand herself: "And I need to stay / Goodbye." She plans to immerse herself in creativity ("I will sort through last year's poems / And throw them away"), perhaps change her surroundings ("I will get lost for a few days / And not come back"), start a new life. Whether this will be possible, given her feelings, remains a question.

The image of a "child's heart" at the end of the song emphasizes the vulnerability of the heroine. "It still beats inside me / That child's heart, it's in pain / And cramped / Goodbye" - the pain of parting seems unbearable, the heart is torn by conflicting feelings. The final "Goodbye" sounds like a bitter acceptance of the inevitability of parting.

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