The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Call" (Zvonok) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Hello, I'm answering calls.

I'm an operator, they're all mine.

I don't understand, I don't know anything,

I run things and help everyone.

The phones are all ringing,

Someone's babbling on the line,

The connection is bad, maybe...

A dead man can't talk!


Hey, brother, hello, sending you greetings from the other side!

I'm on the line, waiting for an answer, speak quickly, there's no time!

What do you need, my brother?

You're dead, God rest your soul!

I don't understand... I don't know anything...

I run things... I help everyone.

If you wish to speak with me for long,

Every penny is well spent!

No, pay first, then talk to me!

What's "huh"? Where are you going?!

Speak quickly, don't waste my time!

The phones are all ringing,

Someone's babbling on the line,

The connection is bad, maybe...

A dead man can't talk!!!


Hey, brother, hello!

Sending you greetings from the other side!

I'm on the line, waiting for an answer,

Speak quickly - there's no time!

No, pay first, then talk to me!

Speak quickly - there's no time!


Здравствуйте, я принимаю звонки.

Я оператор, они все мои.

Я не понимаю, ничего не знаю,

Я рулю делами и всем помогаю.

Телефоны все трезвонят,

Кто-то что-то в трубку гонит,

Связь плохая, это, может,

Мертвый говорить не может!


Эй, брат, привет, с того света шлю тебе привет!

Я на связи, жду ответ, говори скорее, времени нет!

Что тебе надобно, братец мой?

Ты же ведь умер, бог с тобой!

Я не понимаю.. Ничего не знаю..

Я рулю делами.. Я всем помогаю.

Если ты желаешь говорить со мною долго,

Каждая копеечка вложена с толком!

Нет, заплати, а потом со мною говори!

Что "але"? Куда иди?!

Говори скорее, воду не мути!

Телефоны все трезвонят,

Кто-то что-то в трубку гонит,

Связь плохая - это, может...

Мертвый говорить не может!!!


Эй, брат, привет!

С того света шлю тебе привет!

Я на связи, жду ответ,

Говори скорее - времени нет!

Нет, заплати, а потом со мною говори!

Говори скорее - времени нет!

The song "Zvonok" (The Call) by the Russian band "Korol i Shut" (The King and the Jester) offers a satirical take on greed and indifference disguised as helpfulness.

The lyrical hero is a cynical operator of a phone line connecting to the afterlife. He coldly and indifferently answers calls from the deceased, referring to them as "his own," highlighting his callous disregard for death and grief. Phrases like "I don't understand, I don't know anything, I run things here and help everyone" are clichéd responses of an indifferent bureaucrat who has no intention of actually helping, but merely creates an illusion of activity.

The main conflict of the song unfolds in the chorus, where a deceased person attempts to convey a message to a living one. He urges him, because "time is running out," but the operator remains deaf to his plea. Instead, he inquires about payment, cynically stating that "every penny is invested wisely." Even death doesn't move his heart – he is only concerned with profit.

The constant ringing of phones and "bad connection" create an oppressive atmosphere. The phrase "The dead can't speak!!!" can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it's an excuse of the operator who is unwilling to deal with the situation. On the other hand, it's a hint that the living are often deaf to the pain of others and unwilling to hear even the voices from the other world.

Therefore, "Zvonok" is not just a song about communicating with the dead. It is an allegory for the heartlessness, greed, and indifference prevailing in a world where even death becomes a mere source of profit.

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