The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Sinister Cousin" (Zloveschiy Kuzen) the performer of the song "The King and the Jester"

Around the fading candle, moths were circling,

On that wedding night, the bride's fangs were unfurling.

Her father was in shock, the groom was dead drunk,

And only her cousin, that wicked, depraved skunk,

Kept smiling, the damned:


"I love to roam,

I love to roam,

And bite a tender throat.

There's no stopping me,

There's no stopping me,

I'm happy with every prey!

I want to go there, I want to go here,

And blood is my fare!"

The bride was moaning in agony, her father enraged.

He broke his nephew's arms, but couldn't break his legs.

Then ordered the mother and aunt to stay with the bride,

And grabbing the sinister scoundrel by the scruff of his hide,

He dragged him to the aspen grove.


The man didn't know how to get rid of the fiend,

He hit him in the nose with his elbow - the villain just grinned.

He tied him to an aspen, but he was too slick,

"Fool!" he said to the father, and slipped out of the trick.

By morning the man returned home, brought the villain's fangs,

Knocking out teeth wasn't new to him - quite the plan.

Вокруг догорающей свечки кружили мотыльки,

В ту брачную ночь у невесты прорезались клыки.

Отец был просто в шоке, жених был вусмерть пьяный.

И лишь кузен, ее погрязший, гад, в пороке

Все улыбался, окаянный:


"Обожаю я гулять,

Обожаю я гулять

И шею нежную кусать.

Нету для меня преград,

Нету для меня преград.

Каждой жертве очень рад!

Хочу туда, хочу сюда

И кровь моя еда!

Невеста стонала от муки, отец рассвирепел.

Сломал он племяннику руки, а ноги не сумел.

Затем велел остаться с невестой мать и тещу,

Схватив за шиворот зловещего мерзавца

Увел в осиновую рощу.


Не знал мужик, каким путем от гада избавляться

Ударил по носу локтем - мерзавец стал смеяться

Его к осине привязал, но тот был слишком ловкий.

«Болван!» - папаше он сказал и вылез из веревки.

К утру мужик пришел домой, принес клыки злодея

Бить зубы было не впервой - хорошая идея.

The song "The Sinister Cousin" by the band "Korol i Shut" tells the story of a tragic and frightening wedding night that takes an unexpected turn. Under the cover of night, in a romantic setting with a burning candle and circling moths, something terrible happens – the bride grows fangs, hinting at her transformation into a vampire.

The family's reaction to this event varies: the father is in shock, the groom is oblivious from drinking, and only the bride's cousin, a depraved and sinister character, rejoices at what is happening. His sinister smile and the words of the chorus "I love to walk... And bite a tender neck" leave no doubt about his true nature. The cousin is a vampire, and he enjoys the horror that has gripped the family.

The bride's father, trying to protect his family from the vampire, breaks the cousin's arms and tries to tie him to an aspen tree, a traditional way of fighting evil spirits. However, the cousin turns out to be more cunning and stronger. He mocks the hapless father and easily frees himself.

The ending of the song remains open. The father returns home with the cousin's fangs, intending to use them as a weapon. But it is unclear whether he will be able to defeat the villain, or whether the insidious cousin will return to take revenge and feast on blood.

The song "The Sinister Cousin" is a gothic tale of love, betrayal, and the confrontation between good and evil, full of dark romance and black humor, inherent in the work of the band "Korol i Shut".

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