The meaning of the lyrics of the song "-140" the performer of the song "Zemfira"

It's strange, trams don't go in circles, only from edge to edge.

Still young spring is torturing. Past the constellations of crowded streets,

But the first wings are back. They haven't woken up yet, but they are all going there.


And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140" and eternal summer.

And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140", ужас.

Remember? No, you don't remember a thing.

And I don't really need it, just some fuel and a cold voice.

Somewhere trams go in circles, and mature herds rush.

And teenagers spin my vinyls.


And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140" and eternal summer.

And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140", ужас.


It's strange, trams don't go in circles, only from edge to edge.

Still young spring is torturing. Past the constellations of crowded streets,

But the first wings are back. They haven't woken up yet, but they are all going there.


And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140" and eternal summer.

And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140", ужас.

And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140" and eternal summer.

And in the segment you forgot, everything was new and interesting to me

And in the photo you forgot "-140", ужас.

Странно, трамваи не ходят кругами, а только от края до края.

Еще молодая весна пытает. Мимо созвездий запруженных улиц,

Но первые крылья вернулись. Еще не проснулись, а все туда же.


А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" и вечное лето.

А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" , ужас.

Помнишь? Да нет, ни фига ты не помнишь.

А мне же не очень-то нужно, и только сопливо, и голос простужен.

Где-то ведь ходят по кругу трамваи, и мчатся созревшие стаи.

И крутят мои винилы подростки.


А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" и вечное лето.

А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" , ужас.


Странно, трамваи не ходят кругами, а только от края до края.

Еще молодая весна пытает. Мимо созвездий запруженных улиц,

Но первые крылья вернулись. Еще не проснулись, а все туда же.


А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" и вечное лето.

А в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" , ужас.

A в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" и вечное лето.

A в забытом тобой отрезке мне все было ново и все интересно

И на забытой тобою фотке "- 140" , ужас.

In her song "-140," Zemfira utilizes metaphors and contrasts to convey a sense of nostalgia, bitterness, and the fleeting nature of time.

Trams moving "from edge to edge" symbolize the linearity of time, the irreversibility of the past. This contrasts with the circular motion often associated with cyclicity and repetition. Zemfira seems to be saying that the past cannot be returned; it remains in the "segment you have forgotten."

"Young spring" and "first wings" are images of renewal and hope. However, they are "not yet awake," hinting at a certain apathy, an unwillingness of the lyrical heroine to change. Perhaps she is still mourning the past, which she associates with "eternal summer" and carefree joy.

The photograph with the inscription "-140" is a key image that evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, it brings back happy memories ("everything was new and interesting"). On the other hand, it evokes "horror," probably due to the contrast between past happiness and the present state.

"Snot" and "a cold voice" are signs of weakness and vulnerability. The lyrical heroine seems to be trying to convince herself that the past doesn't matter, but her words sound unconvincing.

"Vinyls" that "teenagers are playing" are a symbol that life goes on, but without the lyrical heroine. Her time has passed, and this evokes mixed feelings in her.

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