The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Zero" the performer of the song "Zemfira"

(Verse 1):

Do with me what you want

Become my shadow until tomorrow

Break my fingers, kiss my skin

I'm so drawn to leave, but we're so alike


There's fear in your pupils

And in them, someone else's pain

(Verse 2):

Think, but only at night

You know, I disappear suddenly

Rip off my feelings, keep them like a herbarium

So weakly, my muscles have betrayed themselves


There's fear in your pupils

And in them, someone else's pain



There's fear in your pupils

And in them, someone else's pain

(1 Куплет):

Делай со мной что хочешь

Стань моей тенью до завтра

Ломай мои пальцы, целуй мою кожу

Так тянет расстаться, но мы же похожи


В твоих же зрачочках страх

И в них же чужая боль

(2 Куплет):

Думай, но только ночью

Ты знаешь, я исчезаю внезапно

Сорви мои чувства, храни как гербарий

Так слабости мускул себя разбазарив


В твоих же зрачочках страх

И в них же чужая боль



В твоих же зрачочках страх

И в них же чужая боль

In the song "Zero," Zemfira depicts a complex, contradictory relationship saturated with passion, pain, and fear. On the one hand, the lyrical heroine craves intimacy and complete surrender ("Do with me what you want," "Become my shadow until tomorrow"), even if it borders on destruction ("Break my fingers, kiss my skin"). On the other hand, she senses the inevitability of separation ("I'm so drawn to part ways"), seeing in her partner a reflection of her own fears and pain ("In your very pupils, fear, And in them, someone else's pain").

The imagery in the song is contrasting and metaphorical. Broken fingers and kisses on the skin are metaphors for a painful yet desired passion. Shadows and sudden disappearances emphasize the ephemerality and fragility of the connection between the characters. Comparing feelings to a herbarium is a metaphor for frozen, preserved emotions that are no longer capable of life.

The "bazaar" of muscle weaknesses can be interpreted as a loss of control, an exposure of the most vulnerable sides to the partner.

The recurring refrain "In your very pupils, fear, And in them, someone else's pain" emphasizes the idea of mirroring in a relationship: the characters see their own fears and experiences in each other, making their bond even more painful and doomed.

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