The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Arrivederci." (Arividerchi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Moscow crows woke me up.

Wet matches killed the hope

To smoke means I'll live longer

So we will


Burn the ships in my harbor,

I'll trade my ticket for rubles.

If only I could grow my hair to my shoulders,

I will never go home.

It's so interesting with you,

And not so much with them.

I see it's crowded, I remember it's strong

I give time. See, I'm burning.

Someone messed up and set me on fire.

Arrivederci. They didn't teach me to look in the eye,

And they're unlikely to reach my shoulders,

I'll break the turnstile and run to my own.

Reverse change on the ticket.

I'll be waiting, call me

At my usual six.

I've grown older for a lifetime,

I guess I should consider


Ships in my harbor,

If we don't fly, we'll swim

The hands are exactly two hours back

In my harbor

If we don't fly, we'll swim

The hands are exactly two hours back

Ships in my harbor,

If we don't fly, we'll swim

The hands are exactly two hours back

In my harbor

If we don't fly, we'll swim

The hands are exactly two hours back

Вороны - москвички меня разбудили.

Промокшие спички надежду убили

Курить- значит буду дольше жить

Значит будем


Корабли в моей гавани жечь,

На рубли поменяю билет.

Отрастить бы до самых бы плеч,

Я никогда не вернусь домой.

С тобой мне так интересно,

А с ними не очень.

Я вижу, что тесно, я помню, что прочно

Дарю время. Видишь- я горю.

Кто-то спутал и поджег меня.

Аривидерчи. Не учили в глазок посмотреть,

И едва ли успеют по плечи,

Я разобью турникет, и побегу по своим.

Обратный change на билет.

Я буду ждать, ты звони

В мои обычные шесть.

Я стала старше на жизнь,

Наверно, нужно учесть


Корабли в моей гавани,

Не взлетим, так поплаваем

Стрелки ровно на два часа назад

В моей гавани

Не взлетим, так поплаваем

Стрелки ровно на два часа назад

Корабли в моей гавани,

Не взлетим, так поплаваем

Стрелки ровно на два часа назад

В моей гавани

Не взлетим, так поплаваем

Стрелки ровно на два часа назад

Zemfira's song "Arivederci" is saturated with metaphors and imagery, creating a feeling of farewell, escape, and a search for freedom.

Main themes:

Breaking with the past: "Moscow crows woke me up" - a symbol of an unpleasant awakening, the realization of the need for change. "Wet matches" - a metaphor for the fading hope for an easy solution to problems. The desire to "smoke means to live longer" - a contradictory desire to cling to habits, delaying the inevitable.

Escape and self-discovery: "To burn the ships in my harbor" - the determination to break with the past, even if it is painful. "I will exchange the ticket for rubles" - readiness for any difficulties for the sake of freedom. "To grow my hair down to my shoulders, I will never return home" - the pursuit of independence, the desire to change one's life beyond recognition.

Conflicting feelings for the addressee: "It's so interesting with you, but not so much with them" - indicates the presence of a person for whom the lyrical heroine has strong feelings, but who is possibly unattainable.

Inner strength and rebellion: "Someone confused and set me on fire. Arrivederci" - a challenge to those who tried to control the heroine. "They didn't teach me to look through the peephole" - a reproach for insincerity, a desire to manipulate. "I'll break the turnstile and run to my own" - the willingness to fight for your happiness, despite the obstacles.

Uncertainty of the future: "Reverse change on the ticket" - a possible return, despite the determination to leave. "I will wait, call me at my usual six" - the hope that the relationship with the addressee is still possible. "I've grown older in life, I guess I should take it into account" - the realization of the changes that have happened to the heroine and their impact on the future.

The image of ships:

The recurring image of ships in the harbor, which "if we don't fly, we'll swim", emphasizes the duality of the heroine's state. On the one hand, there is a desire to soar, to radically change everything, and on the other hand, there is an understanding that one will have to go with the flow, adapting to circumstances.

"The hands of the clock are set back two hours" - perhaps a metaphor for a return to the past, nostalgia, or just a desire to slow down the passage of time.

The song "Arrivederci" is a hymn to freedom and independence, filled with emotions, contradictions, and the desire to find one's place in life.

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