The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Garages" (Garaji) the performer of the song "Zemfira"


At home,

Cuts her hands - just out of boredom.

Tricks don't work - she survives.

To fall, you have to

Don't get drunk, get lost

In the faces of strangers - it helps.


My garages, my sunsets

I remember the dates and I love.

My garages, my sunsets

Where I'm off-screen, but I love.

Foam - veins,

Globe-dart - my drug.

Twice and it's unclear how we managed

Shot - fast,

But very noisy, on a moonlit night.

The strings broke and flew away


My garages, my sunsets

I remember the dates and I love.

My garages, my sunsets

Where I'm off-screen, but I love.

But I love.

But I love.



Режет руки - так, от скуки.

Трюки не проходят - выживает.

Падать, надо

Не напиться, заблудиться

В лицах незнакомых - помогает.


Мои гаражи, мои закаты

Я помню даты и я люблю.

Мои гаражи, мои закаты,

Где я за кадром, но я люблю.

Пеной - вены,

Глобус-дротик - мой наркотик.

Дважды и непонятно, как сумели

Выстрел - быстрый,

Но очень шумный, ночью лунной.

Струны сорвались и полетели


Мои гаражи, мои закаты

Я помню даты и я люблю.

Мои гаражи, мои закаты,

Где я за кадром, но я люблю.

Но я люблю.

Но я люблю.

Zemfira's song "Garazhi" (Garages) is filled with metaphors and imagery that create a sense of loneliness, struggle, and searching for one's place in the world.

The first verse paints a picture of isolation and despair. "Toma" (a name) and "doma" (at home) rhyme not only in sound but also in meaning, creating a feeling of hopelessness and being trapped in a routine. "Cuts her hands - just out of boredom" is a metaphor for deep emotional pain caused by the emptiness and monotony of life. "Tricks don't work - she survives" - the heroine tries to find a way out of this state, but all her attempts are futile. All that remains is to "survive", clinging to life itself.

The second verse offers a way to escape reality. "You have to fall / Not get drunk, get lost / In unfamiliar faces - it helps" - the heroine seeks solace in the anonymity of the crowd, in random encounters, in giving up control.

The chorus is an appeal to the past, to "garages" and "sunsets", symbolizing a carefree time, youth, perhaps first love. "I remember the dates" - indicates that these memories are very dear to the heroine. "I am off-screen" - this phrase creates a feeling of detachment, as if the heroine is watching her past life from the outside.

The third verse continues the theme of escaping reality. "Veins with foam" - this is a metaphor for an injection, possibly of a drug. "Globe-dart is my drug" - the heroine seeks oblivion in travel, in random places where fate throws her. "Twice and it's unclear how we managed" - this phrase creates a feeling of the unreality of what is happening, as if the heroine is not in control of her life.

The fourth verse is the culmination of the song. "A shot - quick / But very loud, on a moonlit night / The strings snapped and flew away" - this metaphor describes a breakup, a collapse of hopes, a crash of illusions. "On a moonlit night" - this detail creates an atmosphere of mystery and doom.

The repetition of the chorus at the end of the song sounds like a bitter declaration of love for her past, which can no longer be returned. "But I love" - this phrase is imbued with nostalgia, sadness, and longing for lost happiness.

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