The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Take me." (Vozmi menya) the performer of the song "Zemfira"


Take me

Crazy night

With a stream of cars

Take me

The city is falling asleep

On trams

Yellowed foliage


Just for us

These reflections in the river

Freed from tears


Looking at us

Maybe together

Maybe me


Take me

Crazy night

With a stream of cars

Take me

With you

Yellowed foliage


Just for us

These reflections in the window

Freed from tears


Looking at us

Maybe together

Maybe me


Take me

Crazy night

With a stream of cars

Take me

Crazy night

With a stream of cars

Take me

With you


Take me

Take me


Возьми меня

Безумная ночь

С потоком машин

Возьми меня

Город засыпает

На трамваях

Пожелтевшая листва


Только для нас

Эти отражения в реке

Освобожденные от слез


Смотрят на нас

Может быть, вместе

Может быть, я


Возьми меня

Безумная ночь

С потоком машин

Возьми меня

С собой

Пожелтевшая листва


Только для нас

Эти отражения в окне

Освобожденные от слез


Смотрят на нас

Может быть, вместе

Может быть, я


Возьми меня,

Безумная ночь

С потоком машин

Возьми меня

Безумная ночь

С потоком машин

Возьми меня

С собой.


Возьми меня

Возьми меня

Zemfira's song "Take Me" is a sensual appeal filled with longing, hope, and a plea for intimacy. The lyrical heroine is in a fragile state, on the verge of despair ("Take me / Crazy night").

The image of the night, especially a "crazy" one, is often associated with loss of control, emotional turmoil, a moment when all boundaries are blurred. The flow of cars is a symbol of movement, of rapidly passing time, from which the heroine wants to hide. In this dynamic but impersonal cityscape, she seeks refuge in another person.

The autumnal atmosphere ("yellowed leaves") emphasizes the melancholic mood and perhaps symbolizes fading, the end of something important. However, the heroine tries to find beauty even in this sadness, because it is shared with someone significant ("Beautiful / Only for us").

The images of reflections ("in the river," "in the window") are reflections of the heroine's soul, her inner state. "Freed from tears," they still look at her "sadly," as if warning her of something or expressing hopelessness.

The final lines "Maybe together / Maybe me" are a timid hope for reciprocity, that her plea will be heard. The repetition of "Take me" at the end of the song reinforces the feeling of a desperate plea, the heroine's inability to cope with her feelings alone.

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