The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Joseph" (Djozef) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Tuesday, September began

Rain poured all night long

All the birds flew away

Only I am so lonely and brave

That I didn't even look after them

The cold sky is destroyed

Rain pulled down the light

I don't need the south

Forgive me if something is wrong

Without a stage, a scenario

Cognac blessed me

To the risk of confessions

All your complaints to him

Lack of bread

And I chew darkness

Heaven keep you

Heaven keep you

Here I stand in my open coat

And the world flows, eyes through a sieve

Through a sieve of misunderstandings

I'm deaf, I'm, God, I'm blind

I can't hear the words

And the moon burns at exactly twenty watts

So be it

Yes, my heart breaks harder for you

And that's why it's further away

And there's more falsehood in my voice

But take it as a debt to fate

To a debt of fate that does not require blood

And a blunt needle

And if you're waiting for a smile - wait

I will smile - a smile at myself

Here I stand in my open coat

And the world flows, eyes through a sieve

Through a sieve of misunderstandings

I'm deaf, I'm, God, I'm blind

I can't hear the words

And the moon burns at exactly twenty watts

So be it

Here I stand in my open coat

And the world flows, eyes through a sieve

Through a sieve of misunderstandings

I'm deaf, I'm, God, I'm blind

I can't hear the words

And the moon burns at exactly twenty watts

So be it


Во вторник начался сентябрь

Дождь лил всю ночь

Все птицы улетели прочь

Лишь я так одинок и храбр

Что даже не смотрел им в след

Холодный небосвод разрушен

Дождь стягивал просвет

Мне юг не нужен

Простите, если что не так

Без сцен сценарий

Благословил меня коньяк

На риск признаний

Вы все претензии к нему

Нехватка хлеба

И я зажевываю тьму

Храни вас небо

Храни вас небо


Вот я стою в распахнутом пальто

И мир течет, глаза сквозь решето

Сквозь решето непониманий

Я глуховат, я, Боже, слеповат

Не слышу слов

И ровно в двадцать ватт горит луна

Пусть так


Да, сердце рвется все сильней к тебе

И оттого оно все дальше

И в голосе моем все больше фальши

Но ты ее сочти за долг судьбе

За долг судьбе, не требующей крови

И ранящей иглой тупой

А если ты улыбку ждешь — постой

Я улыбнусь - улыбка над собой


Вот я стою в распахнутом пальто

И мир течет, глаза сквозь решето

Сквозь решето непониманий

Я глуховат, я, Боже, слеповат

Не слышу слов

И ровно в двадцать ватт горит луна

Пусть так


Вот я стою в распахнутом пальто

И мир течет, глаза сквозь решето

Сквозь решето непониманий

Я глуховат, я, Боже, слеповат

Не слышу слов

И ровно в двадцать ватт горит луна

Пусть так

In the song "Joseph," Zemfira paints a picture of existential loneliness and a search for meaning in a cold, indifferent world. The lyrical hero, like birds that have flown south, feels lost and detached.

The image of the onset of September and pouring rain creates an atmosphere of melancholy and despondency. The world seems to be plunged into darkness ("The cold vault of heaven is destroyed / Rain tightened the light"), and the hero, despite seeming bravery ("only I am so lonely and brave"), remains alone with his experiences.

Cognac in this context is a metaphor for temporary comfort, allowing one to gather the courage for "the risk of confessions." The hero seems to be looking for understanding from an invisible interlocutor, turning to him with a request for forgiveness ("Forgive me if something is wrong") and shifting the responsibility for his actions onto him ("You have all the claims against him").

The motif of "lack of bread" can be interpreted as a symbol of spiritual hunger, dissatisfaction with life. In response to this, the hero "chews darkness," trying to cope with despair and hopelessness. The repetition of the phrase "Heaven keep you" sounds like bitter irony, emphasizing the feeling of one's own defenselessness and loneliness.

The image of an unbuttoned coat is a metaphor for the hero's openness and vulnerability, his defenselessness in the face of the world. The "sieve of misunderstanding" symbolizes the impossibility of finding a common language with others, deafness and blindness towards each other. The hero feels isolated ("I am deaf, God, I am blind / I hear no words"), and the world around him seems gray and lifeless ("And the moon burns at exactly twenty watts").

The love line in the song is permeated with tragedy and hopelessness. The hero's feelings are strong ("the heart is torn more and more towards you"), but this love is unrequited and doomed to suffering ("And therefore it is further away"). The falsity in the voice is a consequence of the inner struggle, an attempt to hide mental pain under the guise of indifference. The hero calls to смириться with the inevitable, to accept fate as it is ("consider it a duty to fate / To fate that does not require blood / And wounding with a blunt needle").

The final repetition of the image of an unbuttoned coat and a "sieve of misunderstanding" emphasizes the immutability of the situation, the inability to break out of the vicious circle of loneliness and despair.

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