The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Results, Outcomes, Summary" (Itogi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I'm leaving behind mountains of cigarette butts

Kilometers of days, millions of jerks

Liters of blood given or lost

I leave behind friends, those who are half

Myself on radio waves, short and long

Those I made happy and those I offended


The night torments my swollen eyelids

I don't remember anything, anything about it

My love stayed in the twentieth century

And again the night-arrow is poisoned

I will never, never leave you

Lie with me silently beside me

I'm leaving behind reasons for arguments

My funny dog, my favorite city

An unsmoked plan, gigabytes of photos

I leave behind a dream, maybe someone will want it

Three notebooks of doubts in my uneven handwriting

Money in the bank and many like myself


The night torments my swollen eyelids

I don't remember anything, anything about it

My love stayed in the twentieth century

And again the night-arrow is poisoned

I will never, never leave you

Lie with me silently beside me

Я ухожу оставляя горы окурков

Километры дней, миллионы придурков

Литры крови подаренной или потерянной

Оставляю друзей тех,что наполовину

Себя на радиоволнах, коротких и длинных

Осчастливленных мною и обиженных мною


Терзает ночь мои опухшие веки

Я ничего, ничего об этом не помню

Моя любовь осталась в двадцатом веке

И снова ночь-стрела отравлена ядом

Я никогда-никогда тебя не оставлю

Полежи со мною неслышно рядом

Я ухожу оставляя причины для споров

Мою смешную собаку, мой любимый город

Недокуренный план, гигабайт фотографий

Оставляю мечту, может кто-то захочет

Три тетради сомнений моим неровным почерком

Деньги в банке и многим себе подобным


Терзает ночь мои опухшие веки

Я ничего, ничего об этом не помню

Моя любовь осталась в двадцатом веке

И снова ночь-стрела отравлена ядом

Я никогда-никогда тебя не оставлю

Полежи со мною неслышно рядом

In the song "Itogi" ("Results"), Zemfira metaphorically describes a complex period of life, perhaps the completion of a certain stage and the transition to a new one. The lyrical heroine seems to sum up, listing what she "leaves behind": material and intangible evidence of the past, disappointments, relationships, a part of herself.

"Mountains of cigarette butts" and "liters of blood" are hyperbolas that convey the intensity of experiences, pain, and possibly creative searches. "Millions of morons" is a reflection of negative experiences, encounters with misunderstanding, and "friends...halfway" hints at difficult, not always sincere relationships.

The phrases "myself on the radio waves" and "those made happy and offended by me" refer to publicity, to how creativity affects the life of an artist and their interaction with the world.

The chorus introduces a motif of repetition, hopelessness. "Swollen eyelids" and "the poison-laced arrow of the night" are symbols of fatigue, pain, the inability to get rid of the past. The image of love left in the 20th century emphasizes the impossibility of going back, but at the same time, its significance for the heroine.

The second verse continues the list of "things left behind": "funny dog", "favorite city" - the familiar world that the heroine leaves. "Unfinished plan", "gigabytes of photos", "dream" - unrealized opportunities, memories. "Money in the bank" is a symbol of the material side of life that loses its meaning against the backdrop of emotional experiences.

The repetition of the chorus enhances the feeling of isolation, fatality. The heroine seems to be doomed to experience the same emotions, to carry the burden of the past. However, the last lines - "I will never, never leave you" - can also be interpreted as hope, attachment to something very important that helps to stay afloat no matter what.

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