The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Infinity symbol" (Znak beskonechnost) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

I want the honest taste of cigarettes

To linger in my mouth.

Your gaze is so dear to me,

Your color, utterly paramount.

I'm dying when I see what I see,

And there's no one to sing to.

I'm so scared I won't make it in time,

Won't manage to do anything at all.

With frozen fingers,

Lacking hot water.

With sluggish thoughts,

In the absence, of course, of you.

And I'll freeze,

Shoot myself in the back,

Choose a landmine,

And good evening.

I didn't mean to,

It just happened,

I've unraveled the sign of infinity.

Disappointed by the movie,

Eyes enchanted by the sky.

I won't be able to explain,

But I'm going back.

Walk me - what will remain

Is no more, well, no less than sound.

And the sound is the same as a thread,

But I'm still a friend.

With frozen fingers,

Lacking hot water.

With sluggish thoughts,

In the absence, of course, of you.

And I'll freeze,

Shoot myself in the back,

Choose a landmine,

And Good evening!

I didn't mean to,

It just happened,

I've unraveled the sign of infinity.

With frozen fingers,

Lacking hot water.

With sluggish thoughts,

In the absence, of course, of you.

And I'll freeze,

Shoot myself in the back,

Choose a landmine,

And Good evening!

I didn't mean to,

It just happened,

I've unraveled the sign of infinity.

And I'll freeze,

Straighten my back,

Pull down my cap,

And Good evening!

I didn't mean to,

It just happened,

I've unraveled the sign of infinity.

And I'll freeze,

Pull down my cap,

Set something in motion,

And good evening!

I didn't mean to,

It just happened,

I've unraveled the sign of infinity.

And I'll freeze...

Я хочу, чтобы во рту оставался

Честный вкус сигарет.

Мне очень дорог твой взгляд,

Мне крайне важен твой цвет.

Я умираю, когда вижу то, что вижу

И не кому спеть.

Я так боюсь не успеть,

Хотя бы что-то успеть.

Замороженными пальцами

В отсутствие горячей воды.

Заторможенными мыслями

В отсутствии конечно тебя.

И я застыну

Выстрелю в спину,

Выберу мину

И добрый вечер.

Я не нарочно,

Просто совпало,

Я разгадала знак бесконечность.

Разочарованные фильмом,

Очарованные небом глаза.

Я не смогу объяснить,

Но возвращаюсь назад.

Проводи меня останется

Не больше, ну и не меньше чем звук.

А звук все тот же, что нить,

Но я по-прежнему друг.

Замороженными пальцами,

В отсутствие горячей воды,

Заторможенными мыслями

В отсутствии конечно тебя.

И я застыну,

Выстрелю в спину,

Выберу мину

И Добрый вечер!

Я не нарочно,

Просто совпало,

Я разгадала знак бесконечность.

Замороженными пальцами,

В отсутствие горячей воды,

Заторможенными мыслями

В отсутствии конечно тебя.

И я застыну,

Выстрелю в спину,

Выберу мину

И Добрый вечер!

Я не нарочно,

Просто совпало,

Я разгадала знак бесконечность.

И я застыну,

Выпрямлю спину,

Кепки надвину

И Добрый вечер!

Я не нарочно,

Просто совпало,

Я разгадала знак бесконечность.

И я застыну,

Кепки надвину,

Что-то задвину

И добрый вечер!

Я не нарочно,

Просто совпало

Я разгадала знак бесконечность.

И я застыну...

English version:

In her song "Infinity Sign", Zemfira paints a picture of existential loneliness and despair. The lyrical heroine, frozen in a state of emotional coldness ("With frozen fingers, In the absence of hot water"), feels a deep inner emptiness ("With sluggish thoughts, In the absence of you, of course").

The recurring motif of the "infinity sign" can be interpreted as a symbol of hopelessness, a vicious circle of suffering from which the heroine sees no escape. Her confession "I have deciphered the infinity sign" sounds not like a triumph but like a bitter realization of her own doom.

The images of "a shot in the back", a "mine", "freezing" are metaphors for self-destruction, the desire to escape the pain that seems endless. "Good evening" in this context takes on the ominous connotation of farewell, the last greeting before falling into the abyss.

However, despite the tragedy, there are glimmers of hope in the song. The heroine clings to little things: "The honest taste of cigarettes," "Your eyes", "Your color" - details that remind of life, of the ability to feel. The desire to "at least have time to do something" suggests that the will to fight has not yet faded.

In the last verses, one of the key images changes: instead of "a shot in the back", the heroine "straightens her back", "pulls her cap down", "pushes something away". Perhaps this is a hint of an attempt to pull herself together, to find the strength to live on, no matter what. The ending of the song is open, leaving the listener alone with the question: will the heroine be able to break the vicious circle of loneliness and despair?

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