The meaning of the lyrics of the song "If only." (Esli byi) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

If only the verse would come together, if only the year would fall into place,

If only there were less falsehood.

If only the light would turn on, if only you had stayed.

If only everything were like before.

If only everything were like before...

To change anything - I'd have to die.

If only the world would wake up, become a little easier -

If only in reality, if only the circle would close.

If only we could... If only we could...

To change anything - I'd have to die,

I'd have to die.

Если бы стих сложился, если бы год задался,

Если бы меньше фальши.

Если бы свет включился, если бы ты остался.

Если бы все, как раньше.

Если бы все, как раньше...

Чтобы что-то изменить - мне придется умереть.

Если бы мир очнулся, стал бы немного легче -

Если бы в самом деле, если бы круг замкнулся.

Если бы мы сумели... Только бы мы сумели....

Чтобы что-то изменить - мне придется умереть,

Мне придется умереть.

In the song "If Only," the author, presumably Zemfira, uses the anaphora "If only" to convey a deep longing for the past and a feeling of hopelessness in the present. Each stanza begins with this conditional conjunction, listing what could make life better: "the verse came together," "the year went well," "less falsehood," "the light turned on," "you stayed." All these images metaphorically reflect the author's desire to find inspiration, joy, sincerity, hope, and love.

The phrase "If only everything was like before" becomes a refrain, emphasizing the idealization of the past and the inability to come to terms with change. The repetition of this phrase reinforces the feeling of pain and longing.

The culmination of the song is the bitter realization: "To change something - I have to die." This line is the key to understanding the text. The author feels trapped in a trap of circumstances where change is impossible without radical measures. Death here is not a real desire, but a metaphor - the death of the old "I", former illusions, to make way for the new.

The repetition of the final phrase "I have to die" reinforces the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of fate.

Overall, the lyrics of the song "If Only" are a poignant reflection on unfulfilled dreams, the pain of loss, and the futility of trying to recapture the past.

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