The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Goodbye..." (Do svidaniya...) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

The moon is waning, it happens sometimes

I'm going to get a haircut.

They're shooting at me from an "M"

Into my left muscle.

And they miss, that happens too,

Their sights are off.

And I smile, I live, and I don't age

For fourteen whole years.



My beloved city

I almost ended up in your chronicles.

Waiting is the most boring reason

We need so little, just the two of us.

All the stars have frozen completely

Everything went dark

Those roses have withered

They brought tears

And have become boring

Unnecessary prose because of the frost

Will it be white?

And I smile, I live, and I try

And my hair is still intact.


Goodbye, my beloved city

I almost ended up

In your chronicles

Waiting is the most boring reason

We need so little, just the two of us.


Goodbye, my beloved city

I almost ended up in your chronicles

Waiting is the most boring reason

I'm so tired

Of thinking for the both of us.

Goodbye, my beloved city

I almost ended up in your chronicles.


Луна убывает, такое бывает

Я иду стричься.

Меня убивают из "М"-ки стреляют

В левую мышцу.

И не попадают, что тоже бывает

Сбиты прицелы.

И я улыбаюсь, живу и не старюсь

Четырнадцать целых лет.


До свиданья,

Мой любимый город

Я почти попала в хроники твои.

Ожиданье - самый скучный повод

Нам с тобой так мало надо для двоих.

Потухли все звезды совсем от мороза

Всё потемнели

Пожухли те розы

Вызвали слезы

И надоели

Ненужная проза из-за мороза

Будет ли белой

А я улыбаюсь, живу и стараюсь

И волосы целые.


До свиданья, мой любимый город

Я почти попала

В хроники твои

Ожиданье - самый скучный повод

Нам с тобой так мало Надо для двоих.


До свиданья, мой любимый город

Я почти попала в хроники твои

Ожиданье - самый скучный повод

Как же я устала

Думать за двоих.

До свиданья, мой любимый город

Я почти попала в хроники твои.

До свиданья...

Zemfira's song "Goodbye..." is filled with contradictory emotions and imagery, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and longing.

The protagonist is on the edge: "They're shooting at me from an "M" / Into my left muscle. / And they miss, which also happens / The sights are off." She faces danger but remains indifferent, even smiling. This smile is a mask hiding inner pain and exhaustion.

The city is another crucial image: "Goodbye, / My beloved city / I almost made it into your chronicles." The protagonist bids farewell to the city associated with disappointment and unfulfilled hopes. "Chronicles" hint at tragic events, possibly related to violence ("shooting at me from an "M") or unhappy love.

The love line is subtly present in the song: "Waiting is the most boring reason / We need so little for the two of us." Waiting has tired the protagonist, the relationship has run its course.

Images of fading and coldness ("The moon is waning," "All the stars have gone out from the frost," "The roses have withered") emphasize the protagonist's emotional state - emptiness, hopelessness.

The final "Goodbye..." does not sound like a farewell but rather a cry from the heart, an expression of the desire to break free from the vicious circle of pain and disappointment.

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