The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Friend" (Drug) the performer of the song "Zemfira"


Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

The winter sun

Aims straight at me

Apparently it's too late

Or there's no need to change

I live quietly and how to introduce myself

The long-awaited nothing

I'm recording an album while I still enjoy it

But you know what


Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Dreams and pills

The tenacious fingers of love

I rarely think

But it still happens, catch it

One is on a roll, the other one relaxed

And I found myself a star

A good guy - you would have liked him

You would have liked him

Instrumental break


Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad without you

Come back, my friend

I'm sad


Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Зимнее солнце

Целится прямо в меня

Видимо поздно

Или не нужно менять

Живу неслышно и как представиться

Долгожданное ничто

Пишу пластинку, пока всё нравится

Вот только знаешь что


Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Сны и таблетки

Цепкие пальцы любви

Думаю редко

Но всё же бывает, лови

Один в ударе, другой расслабился

А я нашла себе звезду

Хороший парень - тебе бы понравился

Тебе бы понравился



Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно без тебя

Вернись, мой друг

Мне грустно

In the song "Друг автора" (Author's Friend), Zemfira addresses a friend whom she deeply misses. The lyrical heroine is going through a difficult period, feeling lonely and lost.

The appeal to the "friend" can be interpreted in two ways:

1. Literal meaning: It refers to a real person with whom the heroine had a close relationship. Perhaps the friendship has ended, or the friend is physically far away. Zemfira expresses longing for the communication, warmth, and support that he gave her.

2. Metaphorical meaning: The "friend" symbolizes something important that the heroine has lost. It could be inspiration, a sense of happiness, a former version of herself – everything that brought joy and meaning to life.

The lyrics contain a motif of searching for oneself, one's place in the world: "I live inaudibly and how to introduce myself / The long-awaited nothing." The heroine seems to have dissolved into a routine, lost her bearings. She tries to find solace in creativity ("I'm writing a record while I still like it"), but even this does not bring complete satisfaction without a "friend."

The images of the "winter sun" and "clinging fingers of love" create an atmosphere of coldness and constraint. The heroine feels vulnerable, trapped in a cage of her own loneliness.

The repeating refrain "Come back, my friend / I'm sad without you" emphasizes despair and pleading. Zemfira does not lose hope for the return of her "friend," whether it be a person or a state of mind.

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