The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Proven" (Dokazano) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Power lines racing by,

The train is flying to my mom.

And I miss my own,

I don't understand why.

An orange-like balloon is bothering me.

It can't burn anymore.

And I set the train car on fire,

I dance the samba, and everyone's bathed in light.


She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

Outside the crazy race.

In the heart of the very funnel.

I hide myself in corners,

I'm going to my mom. Retreat.

After my stories,

The sea turned upside down.

But someone came up with dry land,

And it got better on its own.


She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

She's reading Nabokov on the subway,

I sit next to her, our little strings are tied,

The most important thing has been proven to Mom, yeah.

Power lines racing by,

The train is flying to my mom.

Power lines racing by

Power lines racing by...

Перегонки с проводами,

Поезд летит к моей маме.

А я по своим скучаю,

Я не понимаю зачем.

Шар-апельсин тревожит.

Он больше гореть не может.

И я поджигаю тамбур,

Танцую самбу, и всем светло.


Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Вне сумасшедшей гонки.

В сердце самой воронки.

Я прячу себя углами,

Я еду к маме. Отбой.

После моих историй

Перевернулось море.

Но кто-то придумал сушу,

И стало лучше само собой.


Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Она читает в метро Набокова,

Я сижу около, веревочки связаны,

Маме доказано самое главное, е.

Перегонки с проводами,

Поезд летит к моей маме.

Перегонки с проводами

Перегонки с проводами...

In the song "Dokazano" ("Proven"), Zemfira uses surreal imagery and metaphors to convey complex feelings of longing, love, and the search for one's place in the world.

The image of the mother is central to the song. It symbolizes unconditional love, acceptance, and peace. The lyrical heroine strives for her mother as a source of comfort and understanding: "The train is flying to my mother," "I'm going to my mother. Lights out."

The races with the wires, mentioned at the beginning and end of the song, can be interpreted as a symbol of the transience of time, information noise, and the stressful life in a metropolis. Against this background, the desire to return to the mother, to the origins, becomes especially strong.

The orange-balloon, which "can no longer burn," and the setting of the tambourine on fire create contrasting images. Perhaps the orange-balloon symbolizes an exhausted source of joy, and the dance with the burning tambourine is an attempt by the heroine to independently create light and warmth in her life.

The phrase "The most important thing has been proven to mom, e" is one of the most enigmatic in the song. "E" is a letter that does not carry any particular meaning. Perhaps it is designed to emphasize the impossibility of expressing in words "the most important thing", the deep connection that exists between the heroine and her mother.

The image of Nabokov, whom the mother is reading on the subway, is not accidental. The work of this writer is characterized by complexity, psychologism, attention to detail. Perhaps the heroine sees in her mother a kindred spirit who can understand her complex inner world.

The strings that bind the heroine to her mother symbolize the unbreakable bond that remains no matter what.

The sea and land, mentioned in the song, can be interpreted as a metaphor for life's trials and the search for solid ground underfoot.

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