The meaning of the lyrics of the song "To wait." (Jdat) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

Hali-gali, the rain

Hali-gali, it lashes

You see and hear the rain

Embraces your shoulders

I'm crying and the sky too

And you're leaving

To some warm place, probably


We will be waiting

Me and your city

We will be waiting

Slowly soon

At train stations


Bus stops

And even at home

At train stations


Bus stops

And even at home

Hali-gali, the clouds

Hali-gali, in a dance

The clouds fell in love

And let's fall in love too

I saw it all

From the rooftop

I was just stunned


We will be waiting

Me and your city

We will be waiting

Slowly soon

At train stations


Bus stops

And even at home

At train stations


Bus stops

And even at home

Хали-гали дождик

Хали-гали хлещет

Видишь-слышишь дождик

Обнимает плечи

Плачем я и небо

Ты же уезжаешь

В теплые наверно


Мы будем ждать

Я и твой город

Будем ждать

Медленно скоро

На перронах


На остановках

И даже дома

На перронах


На остановках

И даже дома

Хали-гали тучки

Хали-гали в танце

Заболели тучки

И давай влюбляться

Я же это дело

С крыши углядела

Просто обалдела


Мы будем ждать

Я и твой город

Будем ждать

Медленно скоро

На перронах


На остановках

И даже дома

На перронах


На остановках

И даже дома

Zemfira's song "Zhdat" (To Wait) is filled with a melancholic mood of anticipation and hope for a return. "Hali-gali" acts as a recurring motif, a kind of lullaby that conveys both the sadness of parting and the naive belief in a quick reunion.

Rain in the song is not just a natural phenomenon but a metaphor for tears and longing. The lyrical heroine cries along with the sky, seeing off her loved one who is leaving for "warmer lands". The contrast of cold and rain with the warmth of an unknown place emphasizes the depth of the heroine's feelings.

The image of the city waiting along with the heroine gives the song a special meaning. The city becomes the personification of the emptiness and loneliness left after the departure of a loved one. The repeating refrain "We will wait... slowly soon" emphasizes the agony of waiting, which stretches out in time. The enumeration of places - "at train stations, airfields, bus stops, and even at home" - creates a sense of all-encompassing expectation that permeates the entire space.

The motif of "Hali-gali" is transformed in the second part of the song. The clouds dancing hali-gali symbolize a change of mood, a glimmer of hope. The heroine, observing them, seems to be infected by their joy and "falls in love" with the very possibility of happiness.

Despite the sadness of parting, the song is not devoid of optimism. The belief in the return of a loved one, albeit postponed indefinitely ("slowly soon"), helps the heroine to cope with longing and find the strength to wait.

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